Unwanted attention is good attention, all attention is good attention, because it means more attention. More eyes on you in that case which is a good thing. All media is good media.
Maybe you should indeed think about that. That sounds like a foolish way to think.
Some media tries to use other subjects of a situation in order to throw you off of what really matters or what the subject is truly about. Some media is pointless and has no meaning because people just want attention...... also stating that all attention is good attention makes me think about how your mind works. If the attention is not good attention, then how can it be good attention? If its unwanted, then its unwanted, how does that make it good attention?
The whole idea that media is good attention is because the fact that it is attention. Getting the attention will give you move benefit in the end.
It will not make a good benefit if its bad attention due to the fact that people will see the bad attention and think of others in another form of way. not a good one, trying to be nice