Original Post
Toribash 4.6
https://content.toribash.com/Toribash-4.62-Setup.exe - Windows
https://content.toribash.com/Toribash-4.62.dmg - OSX

UPDATE (4.62)
- fixed startup crash bug on Intel cards 4.61
- fixed audio, reflection when object below ground
- fixed close whisper tab
- fixed server sort for belt restriction
- fixed./lp on cached replay

New features:
- room name shows ingame
- new default replays
- show multi clienters (MC)
- show afk clients (AFK)
- unpause match when player who paused the game leave server
- duel scam preventions

Bug fixes:
- fixed changing reaction time to update turn timeout
- changed server desc when tournament is over or off
- fixed client takeovers
- fixed status command
- fixed paused command when match was started
- fixed copy paste crash
- elo penalties for quitters
- fixed right click mouse state sometime remain camera move mode
- fixed duel room hang when player spec or quit
- fixed ban command

- disabled pov screenshot

Server command cleanup:
All commands that take a parameter can be called without it setting anything. So you can use /duel or /duel status to see what kind of duel is running.

All commands are tab completed.

Usage: /duel <stop|status|earnings>
Usage: /duel <start> <tc>
Usage: /passwd <password|clear>
Usage: /send id [cmd]
Usage: /earnings <username>
Usage: /autobet <uke|tori|off> <tc>
Usage: /minbet <tc>
Usage: /betframes <frame>
Usage: /maxrake <tc>
Usage: /bet <amount> <name>
Usage: /bets
Usage: /vip <list|clear>
Usage: /vip <add|del> <username>
Usage: /ban <list|clear>
Usage: /ban <add|del> <username|ip>
Usage: /unban <username|ip>
Usage: /kick <username> [reason]
Usage: /hotseat <on|off>
Usage: /fuke <username>
Usage: /pass <password>
Usage: /passwd <newpassword|clear>
Usage: /setowner <password|clear>
Usage: /owner <password>
Usage: /setowner <password|clear>
Usage: /status <username|list>
Usage: /shout <message>
Usage: /hush <on|off>
Usage: /centerprint <message>
Usage: /nudgeup <username>
Usage: /nudgedown <username>
Usage: /nudge <username> <posititon>
Usage: /mute <username>
Usage: /fspec <username>
Usage: /fenter <username>
Usage: /fnock <username>
Usage: /lockdown <on|off>
Usage: /knockout <on|off>
Usage: /pause <on|off>
Usage: /enterfee <tc>
Usage: /knockoutprize <tc>
Usage: /decapprize <tc>
Usage: /dismemberprize <tc>
Usage: /op <username>
Usage: /deop <username>
Usage: /broadcast <message>
Usage: /whowas <username|list>
Usage: /house <username>
Usage: /stats <username>
Usage: /fwin <username>
Usage: /minbelt <games played>
Usage: /maxbelt <games played>
Usage: /maxclients <maximum players>
Usage: /motd [message of the day]
Usage: /desc [server description]
Usage: /queuejump <queue position>
Usage: /ranking <modname|global> [start rank]
Usage: /nameopener <name>
Last edited by sir; Nov 23, 2013 at 01:23 PM. Reason: fixed links
well it is ukeko that is why 4.6 has been updated and added a new character named ukeko and she is a girl or woman i should say and it is part of it so don't complain kk
Wtf My ghost keeps teleporting with my opponent ghost! Wtf!
"Brains are like computers but squishy and very watery :3'' ~D
One flaw in this update, I personally believe is the Multi Client. I heard that apparently it is against the rules to be playing off the same IP, to prevent boosters of course. However, what if people just want to play with friends when, for example they come over, and of course use the same internet? Will they be accused or assumed to be boosting, only because they are playing off the same IP?.


[u] [NAO] [Ae]ther
That is a very hard question. Multi clienting is against the rules, but they may be not accused of anything. The only way to NOT multi client is to make another user if a friend of yours wants to play. I think that will not show the multi clienting tag.
"Brains are like computers but squishy and very watery :3'' ~D
In a private server, multi clienting is fine, because you can't gain tc. If you are using boosters, it isn't. As long as you don't have a booster, playing in a PRIVATE server is OK. From what I understand.
[Team Wushu]
Pm me any questions! I will be happy to help.