Facade is not a recent internet word.

It was an old expression in french that means that you are using a social mask, or the person/personality you reveal to others, is not the actual you/personality.
But my name does mean Chaco's owner, my dogs name is Choco but when I was little I thought was spelled Chaco, and I misspelled owner, but the missing E stuck with the name.
Originally Posted by chacosownr View Post
But my name does mean Chaco's owner, my dogs name is Choco but when I was little I thought was spelled Chaco, and I misspelled owner, but the missing E stuck with the name.

and jokerstein name from
Joker and Frankenstein am i right?
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Guys, I have changed my nick. :3
It's me McKiller12. :3
What do you think about new one?
cmon ozzy?!
you could've just made it MCK or M12


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