but that could only be on one thigh D: so what for the rest , Also, You could take the ninja mask of the head right then make the set half black and half white!!
that would be really epic + you wouldnt need to make it ninja themed and could add some funny and cool stuff! (i'd more likely buy this one)
♥ mushu♥
Originally Posted by xTheMistx View Post
but that could only be on one thigh D: so what for the rest , Also, You could take the ninja mask of the head right then make the set half black and half white!!
that would be really epic + you wouldnt need to make it ninja themed and could add some funny and cool stuff! (i'd more likely buy this one)

Kaykay , I'll try
Last edited by Atlas; Mar 18, 2012 at 09:47 AM.
Nice one *die bitch*

anyhow guys see the set I requested from vog,robotic, for a 100k+he said. anyhow like it?
CnC so I know what to tell Vog to do and not. the actual colors are supposed to be azurite,demon and lil pure
head here
Originally Posted by clipsall View Post
Nice one *die bitch*

anyhow guys see the set I requested from vog,robotic, for a 100k+he said. anyhow like it?
CnC so I know what to tell Vog to do and not. the actual colors are supposed to be azurite,demon and lil pure
head here

Hmm I donīt really like it, especially the front. the head seems to be made real quick, I can easily see that he used gradient tool often, and that soft brush on the back is too obvious which makes the shading look bad.

I would pay 10k for this head, no more
Last edited by Atlas; Mar 18, 2012 at 08:56 PM.