I think you should also start with a Druid, when I first joined WoW the description of a Rogue made me wanna be the best PvP person ever, but tbh its actually not about class so much, its what your good playing with, any class can beat any class, its just more difficult, lets say Druid vs Death Knight its a very easy fight for me if I am a ranged caster, I just have to place Dots (spells the damage them over time) on him and use my pets (treants can be summoned every 3 mins) and I would keep him pinned there with entangling roots (which holds him in place) then I would go to finish him with starsurge (powerful long range attack) and if he or his pet get to close I would use Natures Grasp (attackers get entangled rooted )

Anyway I'm baffling, if u get wow go on to the server Jaedenaer and tell me the name of your character, I'll help you get started in the World of Warcraft.

I pm'd you something read it
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I think you should also start with a Druid, when I first joined WoW the description of a Rogue made me wanna be the best PvP person ever, but tbh its actually not about class so much, its what your good playing with, any class can beat any class, its just more difficult, lets say Druid vs Death Knight its a very easy fight for me if I am a ranged caster, I just have to place Dots (spells the damage them over time) on him and use my pets (treants can be summoned every 3 mins) and I would keep him pinned there with entangling roots (which holds him in place) then I would go to finish him with starsurge (powerful long range attack) and if he or his pet get to close I would use Natures Grasp (attackers get entangled rooted )

Anyway I'm baffling, if u get wow go on to the server Jaedenaer and tell me the name of your character, I'll help you get started in the World of Warcraft.

I pm'd you something read it

A competent DK can easily beat balance druids, they have an interupt, a silence, anti magic shell, anti magic field, a great slow and a pull ability (and a pet if you're unholy).
Druids Moves:
Debuff Removals: Remove Corruption (takes away curse and poision effects)
Crowd Control: Cyclone a 6 second stun, and hibernate which can be used on hunters pets and druids in animal form.
Immunities: Barkskin reduces damage taken up to 20% and don't receive any pushback on spells whilst in effect (push back is cast time increased due to hit)
Intterupts: In cat form you have Skull bash, it silences your enemy for 5 seconds (stops them from casting spells within the debuff time)
Knockbacks: Typoon, balance druids only, it knocks your opponant back 20 yards, hurts them a lot and dazes them.
Quick Moves: Feral Charge which you can do in either bear or cat form, but in bear form you charge the enemy and root them into place for 4 seconds and in cat form you leap behind them and give them the dazed effect.
Slows/Snares: Entangling roots which holds the enemy in place with roots from the earth. Natures Grasp, like entangling roots but if anyone performs a melee attack on you it will Entangle Root them, very useful if you know you are going to get stunned, and with feral druids (the animal ones) they can use shred, maul, rage or mangle.
Stuns: Druids in bear form get bash a 4 second stun. And cat form get 2, Pounce which you can use from stealth and Maim which uses combo points to place the effect longer.

the bracket () was for mardoboy so he knows what it means
also u need to get a charcter to lvl 55 to make a DK and Dks are for brainless people who find it hard to fight people with tactics at lvl 55 and above
I play this now, 75 mage named Deady on Burning Legion US realm. Someone should update this with the Cataclsym stuff, if not, I could do it.
Looking at all of these posts just makes me want to go out and buy the game. But i dont feel like paying 15 dollars a month...
I know this thread is way out of date, but I was told to use it anyways. My WoW character:õn/simple
I am lvl 82 night elf dk- alliance. In realm Silvermoon
US server.
I'm back :)
Yea, I think you should just pay for the game and that's it. No more fee stuff... But I did try the demo and I liked it.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.

Got back in the game with a new account and whatnot. Level 83 UD Priest on Haomorush right now, anyone still active?
back from the dead
Sadly nope.
Left this game for Rift and haven't looked back.

I do miss it sometimes.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ