Who else has played the new tavern brawl? It's a ton of fun.

I won't spoil the twist on it, but I'm currently 12-2. A lot more balanced this time around as well.
Is it worth crafting a Handlock deck ? Tempostorm lists it as a Tier 2 deck,while Malylock is Tier 1, dafuq. I want to get to legend and I'm struggling to choose between crafting Leeroy for Face Hunter or Jaraxus for Handlock.
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
Is it worth crafting a Handlock deck ? Tempostorm lists it as a Tier 2 deck,while Malylock is Tier 1, dafuq. I want to get to legend and I'm struggling to choose between crafting Leeroy for Face Hunter or Jaraxus for Handlock.

Jaraxxus over Leeroy in terms of crafting priority unless you truly love Face Hunter.

Handlock might not fit meta perfectly at the moment, but it's just like Ramp Druid or Control Warrior: it will always have a place in competitive. And it can always get you to legend.

I personally find FH boring because there's very rarely any decision making. So I wouldn't main the deck if I had interest in becoming a better player.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Handlock is much more fun to play than face hunter. one of the most fun decks to play imo. I don't actually have the cards necessary for the deck, but I've played it on my friends account a ton.


(Not pictured: Molten Giant)

I've had a bit of success with this deck, opinions? I don't have that wide of a variety of cards, but I think what I'm using is pretty good.
Notshadow it's hard to criticize because I don't know what cards you have but:

Do run:
Another wild growth.

Do not run:
-Savage roar, starfire, frost elemental, reckless rocketeer.

Hard to tell you what to replace when I have no idea what you have for cards though. Your deck is pretty all over the place in what you want to accomplish though. It seems like you want to run a Token Druid deck, but you don't have like Echooing Ooze to buff. You've got savage roar for combo druid, but don't have force of nature. And you're looking to run ramp druid too, but lack cards like Ancient of Lore.

A mid range mech druid might suit what you've got well.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
Is it worth crafting a Handlock deck ? Tempostorm lists it as a Tier 2 deck,while Malylock is Tier 1, dafuq. I want to get to legend and I'm struggling to choose between crafting Leeroy for Face Hunter or Jaraxus for Handlock.

it damn well depends on what other legendaries you have. but crafting leeroy is not something I'd recommend as it's not even core in face hunter and many consider it to just be bad.

handlock is fun and one of the more challenging decks in the game. it's one of those decks that you can really master and make it viable in every meta yourself. definitely recommend you get that if you have core legendaries like sylvannas and boom.
After finding out that fatigue damage increases after every additional card draw, my desire to make a mill deck has increased yet again. I'm thinking rogue for making it, cause I saw (read as: lost to) one using shadowstep and gangbeat with that murloc that makes both people draw 2 along with vanish and other stuff to control the board. It looked fun to play and it felt aggravating to lose against, so it looks right for what I want.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
So I refined my tokens deck.

Pew pew

And they told me it's a terrible early game deck, well I say nay to thee!

Last edited by EJM; Jun 27, 2015 at 11:13 AM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.