jay dude how bout get low for lil jhon mixed with bugatti
I walk a lonely road
the only one that I have ever known
Guys, when can we all be online again? And remember, all inactive members (RFBSkopez and Strider100) will be kicked on Sunday if you do not reply before then...
yeah plz be active guys rfb got kicked for inactity first time and now, again... Wow plz
I walk a lonely road
the only one that I have ever known
Hey there, so how is the clan doing?!

By the way xxraveyxx, i really liked spending a day with you in the city, that would be great if you come visite me a day in the mountain

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
We finished hustle off 15-10 well done on tek, bat and jay for streaking them! OHH and of course me
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Man, I just can't seem to get on at the right time. I would say maybe next time but i really don't know if i can make that. :/ I will keep trying though.
We need these guys to be active or else they get kicked for a 1 week inactivity. We need at least a 67% activity online from these inactive players because when they are inactive for 1 week they making us look 30% of a bad clan. They don't need to be active everyday of course but we need them to actually stay in lane with the clan. I mean we need these inactive players to actually come online and join us when we're in a clan war or so. I really do understand that the clan needs to be at the top. It is actually a good idea Equinox has made a good rule for these inactive players to get active before 1 week activity ends. But once we have something to actually be cooperative with, we can have a successful clan.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
Geez man. It isn't my fault I have a life to attend to. It's not like i wake up every day and go, "Hmm, I think I'll miss another clan war today." Where are you getting your numbers from anyway? They make almost no sense.
Thanks Fleshy bby! I tried my best, like always.
Lets go to the top guys! Prey Gaming! <3
Two men enter, one man leaves!