so, i'm gold v before ranks reset. am I going to land in bronze for sure or do I have a chance to make it in silver v?
You're probably gonna get put in Bronze just like everyone else.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I can consistently get lane cs from jungle with rengar now.

It's all about how efficiently and safely you take all cs available.

It isn't just about csing mechanics and wave control. It's also about anticipation, which leads into good wave control if you understand wave control as a concept. What I prioritize depends on the role I'm playing.

I'll throw out certain situations to clarify what I mean.

If I'm playing mid, I will usually try to build a lead on my opponent by pushing them out of lane and denying them as much as possible, while also taking every cs I can. I play a lot of Viktor mid, which makes it very easy. The same time, you want to avoid being harassed and avoid ganks, and it might be worth it to drop some cs for lane safety. I usually gauge how I'm doing at about 12 minutes, 18 minutes and 22 minutes to ensure I hit all the right powerspikes. 110 by 12 mins is when a lane is going well. 90 if it's going poorly or on the lower side of even. Any less than that, and I consider the lane mostly lost and focus on pushing when I can and roaming to build a lead some other way.

If I'm playing top, it really depends on what I'm playing. If I'm playing shyvana or maokai or some shit like that, usually I have perfect cs just from soaking waves. If I'm playing something like Rengar top, sometimes I sacrifice cs to get better lane positioning to zone my opponent out of the lane, or just straight up kill them depending on if they burn their cooldowns trying to reset the wave by bouncing it off of my turret. All in all, top lane really depends on the matchup. If you're playing something like gangplank, you need to get perfect cs to build the necessary lead to carry. It really depends on what you're playing.

As ADC, mechanics and wave control matter a lot more, because it's a duo lane and a long lane, so it can be very risky if you don't take care of yourself. I can play both very aggressively as an adc, as well as passive farmer, depending on how the opponent is playing. The idea is to try not to hard to force things but to also punish your opponent whenever they make a mistake.

As a jungler, farming efficiency is EXTREMELY important, more important than any other role imo. If you can soak a decent amount of farm as a jungler without denying anyone on your team anything, you are guaranteed to be stronger and more useful than the enemy jungler. Your jungle pathing, taxing, and soaking waves when no one else is there to soak it and when showing yourself won't hurt your team is the difference between a decent jungler and a great jungler.
Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
the same way Diamond 5 is an extension of Plat?

Doublelift and Yellowstar are both Plat 1. They play with Diamond to Challenger players.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
Doublelift and Yellowstar are both Plat 1. They play with Diamond to Challenger players.

So are you agreeing or?
Preposterously dank.
Got bronze 1 in placements, which is not as bad as I though. Going to try to clime to s5 and be back to where I was last season.
You might want to wait a week or two. I've climbed my way from silver 3 to gold 3, and the vast majority of players in those games are old plats trying to get back to where they were. Give it a while and people should start to settle into the ranks they deserve, shit should be twice as easy once that happens.

Unless you literally mean climb to Silver 5 and then stop, in which case go right ahead.
Preposterously dank.
Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
You might want to wait a week or two. I've climbed my way from silver 3 to gold 3, and the vast majority of players in those games are old plats trying to get back to where they were. Give it a while and people should start to settle into the ranks they deserve, shit should be twice as easy once that happens.

Unless you literally mean climb to Silver 5 and then stop, in which case go right ahead.

I got match with a couple of plat players in my last 3 placement games.

Tough to play aganst.