-MaT- and Noel added in the clanlist, No respect and clanhopping, specially, MaT for clanhopping. I don't want they to post here, i'd recomend you guys to don't post their clan thread too.

I am too god damn disappointed. Nuf said, bruno or juliano one of you owes me 5k for a global as also mike does.
No Juliano. We are not gonna do anything, We are not gonna bother whit them. Let them be, they hopped, they brought the Tittle of clan hoppers on them self

Well i'm going to bed... it's late, and im tierd... Tell kratos that i went to bed if he doesnt read this >.< Good night

Ju, i agree with Godly, they aren't good enough, they're clan hoppers, dicks, they aren't good just seems.
The better we can do is forget them.