State what mods you can play.
I am proficient in Aikido mainly, though I used to play a lot of Wushu. I'm pretty capable of making comebacks in Wushu if that is any measure of skill.

State whats your belt.
3rd Dan Black

State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger.
Ever since I started playing this game, JollyR has been a tag that is recognised and looked up to. It represented some seriously skilled members and to be a part of such a group would be pretty rad. I've recently started getting back into this game and slowly picking up where I left up on art boards and in-game. On a casual basis but still reasonably active. I feel the way this clan is under going its Phoenix Rise is reflective of what I'm trying to do as well. Hence, we could work well together and my membership would be mutually beneficial.

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of.
Honestly, It's been a long time and a LOT of Clans from my scrub days but the most prominent/recent would probably be Tint before I left for a while.

State why you left that clan.
I left because I knew I would be inactive and didn't want to be a dead-weight. Thought it was the responsible thing to do.

State if you had any earlier accounts (including the names of those accounts).
Nothing remotely significant. I made it to black belt on Hellsgift25 in 2009-2010 and rarely posted on forums.

State what happened to those accounts.
Name was shitty so I wanted to re-brand and re-build a more respectable account.

State if you have bought Qi.

State if you have bought an account with higher Qi than your original account.

State past infractions/bans.
Nothing in the past two years. Before that I got a one day ban for lecturing someone on their life choices in a completely retarded post. And the rest of the 4 were just Ignoring Rules and one Useless Post.

State your timezone.
GMT +10.

State your age.

Forum activity.
As I said before, It's increasing. Mostly focused around art boards at the moment. Being a part of a clan would give another reason to check the boards.

In game activity.
I jump on for a few quick matches almost daily now.

Vouchers (The guy who invited you).

Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, pro dueling, things like that).
I make Art and Textures.

Some replays.
Yup. I lost everything so I made two rough ones just to demonstrate I'm not fully incapable, hopefully I'll improve as time goes on.

And finally state something about yourself, that you would like us to know.
I'm a fairly open minded and straightforward guy. I can get along with people pretty easily and there isn't really much else that's relevant.
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JollyR 1.rpl (110.5 KB, 6 views)
JollyR 2.rpl (60.1 KB, 5 views)
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
Okey,the application it's up for discussion,feel free to join our general chat thread,our IRC and the replay thread ;)
Hello Jolly's i think you still know my name. My reallife-name is Kevin Rze(gott)a and im a Lasertech. student from germany and play as a guitarist/singer/writer in my own band ''Philostrophie''(A mix of Black-Death Metal). Other hobbies I really love are writing poetry, drawing and playing some classic-music on my guitar. Im a 8th dan and my favourit mods in this game are Aikido (1st), Taek (2,) and sometimes wushu.I dont have any alts and I never bought Qi because that isn't the oldschool way of Tb and a real dan......So cursed be the impious! I was present in clans like Aeon, Flames, Pie-clan, Atlantic in the past and left this clans because they were getting inactive. I had some Infractions because of breaking some Market rules.....Was not always up to date. Im Igame/Forum active and
My special skills are:-Drawing head textures
-Being a pretty good Aikido player
I dont have that much replays on this computer so....... nvm ^^. I was invitet by Dropkick who obv. wants to bring back some activity back here and I would like to help out. I want to join this clan because they're some very nice and skilled people here that seem to be authentic in their persons and I think i would fit here well.

(sorry for my bad English)
Last edited by KOTBOLT; Dec 8, 2014 at 07:40 PM.

Hey...still without pc...

I just pass by to ask you if my apply is still in discussion...It have been actually 4 or 5 months since i'm waiting.
Anyway,Have a nice day!

Oh and...that's me

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KOTBOLT and Stonda2b I wish you welcome to JR.

Hopefully you will bond with us as we are bound to each other, and that you will hold save JRs flame from dying.


@KOTBOLT: we know you a long time bro, you were already a part of the family, glad you are officially a JR now.

@Stonda2b: we value your persistence in wanting to become a JR, and we feel you have potential. Also the carting is so cool. However you are invited as a sort of a probation, you will need to raise your in game activity by quit a bit. I am sure you will manage .

@Teknik: we are still discussing you.
Last edited by missuse; Jan 30, 2015 at 07:54 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me