Clan diden't die before and won't die now ) relax.
Have u seen they want to close legendary clans like rawr for inactivity and sht. That would be so dumb.
Pm me for deals
Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
Clan diden't die before and won't die now ) relax.
Have u seen they want to close legendary clans like rawr for inactivity and sht. That would be so dumb.

They're also discussing legendary clans, which might be similar to Legends.

Also, if you guys don't mind, I would love to stick around your forum and chat. If you would rather me not, that's fine, and I understand.
I'm just gamin' man
Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
there's no reason to not let you.

Alright, then I'll drop by now and then.
I'm just gamin' man
Originally Posted by MasterTech View Post
Oh, btw guys, I have a youtube channel and I just "experimented" making a video so
there Watch this one instead

Not bad.
I should get back on making replays.
Master of the arcane arts
nice. \o3o/

I wouldn't consider us as a legendary clan but we went from 0 to 100 real quick so we might get on there