Yea I know but you guys say to try and get to know you guys but you and others ignore the threads.
Turning over a new leaf!
Originally Posted by Avatar View Post
Yea I know but you guys say to try and get to know you guys but you and others ignore the threads.

Yeah learn from the others two applicants. They waited for a month and you pretend to get in in 2 days? Well than you applied to the wrong clan. If you're impatient you're not going anywhere. We don't let everybody join us. So yeah,read the recruit thread op,an application can take even 6 months. Rip
State what mods you can play. any mods but ninutsu, i'm so bad at this

State whats your belt. custom

State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger. i want to join JollyR because it was my dream clan back in 2012 when i was green to black belt

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of. my last clan in date was KnC

State why u left that clan. i left because all my friends in it left and the leader didn't rank me up though i was the best in.

State if you have bought Qi. yeah i bought 2k when i was master belt because it was really annoying to wait so much for a rainbow belt

State past infractions/bans. last ban was for pasting meatspin in chat game

State your timezone. GMT+1

State your age. 15 years old

Forum activity. pretty active

In game activity. when i can, very active on weekends

Any special skills i'm a pretty good sparrer, look my signature's vid and here is one more spar i did yesterday

Some replays. don't have much, look my signatures for the best ones
Attached Files
#luck kick.rpl (44.0 KB, 6 views)
#spar ikox.rpl (507.9 KB, 6 views)
#backflips iko.rpl (384.0 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Kamy; Nov 1, 2014 at 03:33 PM.
Originally Posted by mrkamikaz View Post

State why u left that clan. i left because all my friends in it left and the leader didn't rank me up though i was the best in.

You left a clan becouse they didn't ranked you up? Wow.
being unranked for three weeks hurts the feelings

edit cancel this i just saw i have to wait 1 month and i'm not very patient

thank you for your time anyway
Last edited by Kamy; Nov 2, 2014 at 05:16 PM.

Heya, name's ultimation, here's my app :

State what mods you can play:
Average in all mods, specialize in grab mods such as ABD, judo, aikido, greykido

State whats your belt:
10th dan blackbelt 2995 games to masterbelt encounting.

State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger:
I usually don't find clans who stick together like you have, I want to be a part of this relation.

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of: [cat], [shade], [silver]

State why u left that clan: Cats are gay faggots, I was second dan when I was in shade,
I was the only active person in silver.

State if you had any earlier accounts (including the names of those accounts): none

State what happened to those accounts: as stated above, only one account, was phished once but admins helped me pull through.

State if you have bought Qi: Nop, paypal does not exist in my country (lebanon)

State if you have bought an account with higher Qi than your original account: Definitely not

State past infractions/bans : 2 day ban on racism towards Russians.

State your timezone: GMT +2

State your age: 17

Forum activity: 7/10

In game activity: 9/10

Vouchers (The guy who invited you).

Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, pro dueling, things like that).
Video making , I have a channel on youtube which I'm considering posting some toribash vids. 23 subscribers wooooo

Some replays: check out the vid I made ( first vid ever made so it's not that good)

And finally state something about yourself, that you would like us to know : I'm straight
Art Shop! [TA]<3 [TGO]<3 [r]<3
State what mods you can play: wushu aikidobigdojo wushu greykido tk and others.
State whats your belt: black
State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger: i just want to help in clan wars to donate to have good clan and to respect the members,im gonna follow the rules and be cool with everyone
State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of: Monk
State why u left that clan: they kick me
State if you had any earlier accounts (including the names of those accounts): No More Accounts
State what happened to those accounts: i dont have more accounts
State if you have bought Qi: No
State if you have bought an account with higher Qi than your original account: no
State past infractions/bans: no
State your timezone: dont know what is this
State your age: 15
Forum activity:7
In game activity:8
Vouchers (The guy who invited you): no
Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, pro dueling, things like that): video making,not really good but i can make textures and im really good at sparring and parkour
Some replays:
Attached Files
headkick.rpl (49.3 KB, 4 views)
obey.rpl (35.9 KB, 4 views)
1st single.rpl (102.1 KB, 4 views)
spar with urban.rpl (588.7 KB, 4 views)
parkour.rpl (1.15 MB, 4 views)
Last edited by Hunter0566; Nov 9, 2014 at 10:13 AM.
PM me for no reason,ask me something,send memes n stuff
Why? Cuz i like to view pm's (and dank memays)
Originally Posted by Hunter0566 View Post
State what mods you can play: wushu aikidobigdojo wushu greykido tk and others.
State whats your belt: black
State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger: i just want to help in clan wars to donate to have good clan and to respect the members,im gonna follow the rules and be cool with everyone
State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of: Monk
State why u left that clan: they kick me
State if you had any earlier accounts (including the names of those accounts): No More Accounts
State what happened to those accounts: i dont have more accounts
State if you have bought Qi: No
State if you have bought an account with higher Qi than your original account: no
State past infractions/bans: no
State your timezone: dont know what is this
State your age: 15
Forum activity:7
In game activity:8
Vouchers (The guy who invited you): no
Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, pro dueling, things like that): video making,not really good but i can make textures and im really good at sparring and parkour
Some replays:

You applied for crooks less than 14h ago. That makes me think any official clan would be good for you and you're applying just for the tag. Anyway,you joined in 2014 and less than 100 posts on forum. You said you don't have any earlier account so i suppose this is your main. You need more activity,in-game and on forum. Try again in a few years.
Ultimation, do you have replays?
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

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