Endurance Onslaught 6.0
My most favorite mod is BoxshuMushuV3. But I also like to parkour and spar even though sometimes it doesn't work out that well. But nobody's perfect. I can also play in Aikido pretty well.
What I have to offer to the clan is warring, I really love to war. I won 3 clan wars single handed in (Noc). I feel that I could really benefit this clan and get it up the ranks by warring.
I play this game almost every day except when I am out doing something like bowling or put-putting.
I post sometimes in forums but I am more of an in game type person.
I definitely check my PMs to be caught up on everything.
I have been playing Toribash for 6 years. My old main account was XOsphere(2nd Dan Black). My oldest account is named Harley01(Brown Belt).
Harley Joyce is my real name. I am 16 years old. My birthday is coming up in 4 months so I will be 17. Because I wasn't born when school is in session I will graduate when I'm 17(lucky me). My hobbies are making art, playing games, and I can play piano somewhat. Also I am very athletic I would say, but I don't play sports. I am in Junior Reserves Officer Training Corps (JROTC). That class keeps me in shape hah.
I use Discord mostly when I need to get in contact with someone in my clan which is what it's for I suppose.
Thanks for reading my app. Hope I can join. Thanks.
The Boogeyman
Applying For Recruitment
Hi, my name is Jamie and i'm currently aged 17. I don't really have hobbies because of my college work but other than doing college i mainly go to the gym. Gaming isnt a massive part of my life right now but im slowly trying to get back into it. I would say i have a nice and kind personality and im relaxed whilst chatting.

I would consider my favourite mod to be Mushu and any parkouring mods although i do sometimes play abd. I tend to like to play many quick, random mods as i find them more enjoyable so i play them the most.

I use to play very frequently but not so much now, however, i am getting back into it so i can play and be active every week.

A clan member wants me to help get this clan more active and im willing to give it ago and help you get this clan more active. i dont really post on forums though i can stay active on discord and when checking my pm.

Im willing to give this clan ago if i can join, so what do you say?

Very best
Last edited by jamie1454; Mar 18, 2018 at 11:16 PM. Reason: It looked like i made it too short, so i changed it to my first draft.
Originally Posted by jamie1454 View Post
Hi, my name is Jamie and i'm currently aged 17. I don't really have hobbies because of my college work but other than doing college i mainly go to the gym. Gaming isnt a massive part of my life right now but im slowly trying to get back into it. I would say i have a nice and kind personality and im relaxed whilst chatting.

I would consider my favourite mod to be Mushu and any parkouring mods although i do sometimes play abd. I tend to like to play many quick, random mods as i find them more enjoyable so i play them the most.

I use to play very frequently but not so much now, however, i am getting back into it so i can play and be active every week.

A clan member wants me to help get this clan more active and im willing to give it ago and help you get this clan more active. i dont really post on forums though i can stay active on discord and when checking my pm.

Im willing to give this clan ago if i can join, so what do you say?

Very best

Congrats u r in trial, join our discord and be active, i hope u will haven ice time here
the best ukrainian in WAPOW©
My name is kaleb (mambo64)

I am very active ingame, basically everyday Toribash life so, it's extremely
hard not to play it. Ingame activity would be a 8 or higher.

As for my forum activity it would be 4 because I don't see many interesting
topics on the forum or "Eye-Catchers" besides events. But when something does catch my eye that's like my chat room in a sense.

mambo64 (About me)
I am currently 14 years old been an athlete my whole entire life which includes football karate, boxing, and racing like go carte. I've always loved things that gave me adrenaline or rush type feeling so that's how I was introduced to these sports, before my recent accident I had just got into tricking which is a awesome feeling I love the wind flowing throw my hair and crashing into my body sounds weird. But because of sports injuries of course I wanted to go back immediately but sadly couldn't like when I tore my acl.
So I search the internet for games to play that could satisfy my lust of a "good ass time" and toribash came up didn't know what it was but I seen one of Mocu's videos where people were sparring, tricking, parkour and etc. In my mind I'm like wow this is fucking awesome. But being me needing to know how it's played I looked up a review of the game and found out you use your joints to do all the cool stuff so I was like woah this might get intense. I decided to download it and that's where I took off.

Per2509's favorite Mods are:
Spar, ABD and Parkour maps related, but I love tricking Q~Q

Skills I wish I possessed:
I'm learning to make texture which could be useful for everyone if needed Also I'm trying to get into video editing while I'm recovering.

Reason for joining [WAPOW]:
I want to become a member of WAPOW because sadly Beta died and I need a good clan that surrounds me with people that I can help grow and could do the same for me.

Relationships within [WAPOW]:
I don't really know you guys that good but iv'e played with you guys in game and I think I know some of you.

Per will attempt to Bring to [WAPOW]
skillz, yougblood and tc

Last edited by mambo64; Mar 27, 2018 at 04:21 AM.
Originally Posted by mambo64 View Post
My name is kaleb (mambo64)

I am very active ingame, basically everyday Toribash life so, it's extremely
hard not to play it. Ingame activity would be a 8 or higher.

As for my forum activity it would be 4 because I don't see many interesting
topics on the forum or "Eye-Catchers" besides events. But when something does catch my eye that's like my chat room in a sense.

mambo64 (About me)
I am currently 14 years old been an athlete my whole entire life which includes football karate, boxing, and racing like go carte. I've always loved things that gave me adrenaline or rush type feeling so that's how I was introduced to these sports, before my recent accident I had just got into tricking which is a awesome feeling I love the wind flowing throw my hair and crashing into my body sounds weird. But because of sports injuries of course I wanted to go back immediately but sadly couldn't like when I tore my acl.
So I search the internet for games to play that could satisfy my lust of a "good ass time" and toribash came up didn't know what it was but I seen one of Mocu's videos where people were sparring, tricking, parkour and etc. In my mind I'm like wow this is fucking awesome. But being me needing to know how it's played I looked up a review of the game and found out you use your joints to do all the cool stuff so I was like woah this might get intense. I decided to download it and that's where I took off.

Per2509's favorite Mods are:
Spar, ABD and Parkour maps related, but I love tricking Q~Q

Skills I wish I possessed:
I'm learning to make texture which could be useful for everyone if needed Also I'm trying to get into video editing while I'm recovering.

Reason for joining [WAPOW]:
I want to become a member of WAPOW because sadly Beta died and I need a good clan that surrounds me with people that I can help grow and could do the same for me.

Relationships within [WAPOW]:
I don't really know you guys that good but iv'e played with you guys in game and I think I know some of you.

Per will attempt to Bring to [WAPOW]
skillz, yougblood and tc


didn't read first page

the best ukrainian in WAPOW©
Yo hidden is that u? How are you white belt again. Is this a new person with the same name?
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Hey WAPOW-ers.I'm Werg.I assume you didn't even hear of me.That's because I just got a green belt.I'm not saying I'm bad but I'm still either.I may not have skype and neither even want to but I can post at least once for 2 days.I also play TB a lot so it shouldn't be a problem of being active for now.I know I might be bad but I've redd (I don't know how to spell it I'm so sorry) that you don't really care about skills so I am looking forward to your decission whether you accept the applyiance or not?Have a nice day and have fun!
*still learning either

Mikes Moderated Message:
Aha aha ha. Best appliance i have ever read.
Last edited by Mikes; Feb 7, 2019 at 05:47 PM.
Originally Posted by werg1234 View Post
Hey WAPOW-ers.I'm Werg.I assume you didn't even hear of me.That's because I just got a green belt.I'm not saying I'm bad but I'm still either.I may not have skype and neither even want to but I can post at least once for 2 days.I also play TB a lot so it shouldn't be a problem of being active for now.I know I might be bad but I've redd (I don't know how to spell it I'm so sorry) that you don't really care about skills so I am looking forward to your decission whether you accept the applyiance or not?Have a nice day and have fun!
*still learning either

DENIED, didnt read first page(min belt, app structure, etc.)
the best ukrainian in WAPOW©