Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
old meme is old

cmon marrez pickup your game

hey dude, old or not i still enjoyed it
the goblin
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I dont see how, it is just a modernized UI. It is not overloaded or complex or anything of the sort.

seems a bit over embellished to me, but w/e.

also they took it down after like 4 hours D:
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
tl;dr Riot spends 90% of their budget upgrading the fucking UI while everyone and their mother is drowning in procs of Thunderlord's Decree, Rengar is insta-gibbing the entire enemy team simultaneously from stealth, and the Rift is occupied by more Spooky Ghosts than champions at any given point in time.
Preposterously dank.
Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
tl;dr Riot spends 90% of their budget upgrading the fucking UI while everyone and their mother is drowning in procs of Thunderlord's Decree, Rengar is insta-gibbing the entire enemy team simultaneously from stealth, and the Rift is occupied by more Spooky Ghosts than champions at any given point in time.

fuck yeah dude, get's me so hard
the goblin
Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
tl;dr Riot spends 90% of their budget upgrading the fucking UI while everyone and their mother is drowning in procs of Thunderlord's Decree, Rengar is insta-gibbing the entire enemy team simultaneously from stealth, and the Rift is occupied by more Spooky Ghosts than champions at any given point in time.

tl;dr silver complaints

Other keystones just got buffed

Rengar is strong because of the game enviroment (lack of pink trinket and shitty sweeper), the champ itself is fine. (Literally if you complain about instagib champs uninstall cause they're so easy to beat with proper positioning and a brain and simple vision) The champ is literally the same as it's been for the past year, minus maybe minuscule number changes that are almost irrelevant, but everyone's just complaining about it now. OMG 51% winrate in Plat+ games, legit too oppressive!!!

Frost Queen's nerfs

A new client is probably the thing Riot should be concerned about, not some quote unquote "balance" changes.

Literally half this shit that shows up on the front page of reddit is a bunch of silver kids who hear a pro player or streamer make some complaint about an item/champ/whatever when they're losing to it (and probably salty about it *cough* Bjergsen *cough*) and then everyone is like "OMG so-and-so says it, must be completely, utterly true"

And then they go play solo queue and lose to some Nightblue3 fanboy and it solidifies their idea of Rengar being "broken."

Last edited by Lane; Jan 15, 2016 at 08:32 AM.
Originally Posted by Lane View Post
tl;dr silver complaints

Alright buckle your fucking seatbelt bronzie, I'm about to drop some knowledge on your sorry ass.

Originally Posted by Lane View Post
Other keystones just got buffed

Straight up irrelevant.

Originally Posted by Lane View Post
Rengar is strong because of the game enviroment (lack of pink trinket and shitty sweeper), the champ itself is fine. (Literally if you complain about instagib champs uninstall cause they're so easy to beat with proper positioning and a brain and simple vision) The champ is literally the same as it's been for the past year, minus maybe minuscule number changes that are almost irrelevant, but everyone's just complaining about it now. OMG 51% winrate in Plat+ games, legit too oppressive!!!

I could give two shits if "the champ itself is fine" if he maintains the ability to instantly kill your carries from stealth before anyone has any time to fucking react. Short of periodically placing a pink in the middle of your team when you're grouped there is very fucking little you can do when mobi-boots rengar youmuus into your team and you barely have enough time to catch a glimpse of the little exclamation mark before he crits your adc for 1.2k+ and then zips away at 800 movespeed. The point of a fucking assassin is to punish poor positioning on the part of squishies, eg: farming botlane alone. They should NOT be able to punish carries that are sitting in the middle of their team at base.

Let me paint a picture for you. Jinx is next to her Lulu and a Zed wants to kill her. Lulu can ult, shield, poly the zed, any number of shit to stunt his would be assassination attempt. That is counterplay. With rengar you stealth in and go balls deep into the carry before Lulu can even react. The audio and visual cue is fucking negligible come lategame compared to a similar stealth approach (Talon shoots blades out in all fucking directions, and even then his ult only lasts a few seconds. Rengo lasts 12).

You CANNOT position against a champion that can deal upwards of 2,000 damage in under a second from stealth, you CANNOT provide adequate vision to see him coming since the changes, and you CANNOT tell me he's "easy to beat with a simple brain."

"D'ohoho fuckin' yeah, Rango is ezpz if your SOLO QUEUE team with little to no communication builds themselves around him, stacks themselves on any and all squishy members at all points in a teamfight, and then the adc gets an hourglass." Is it possible? No shit. Is it FAIR? Absolutely fucking not. No other champion in the game demands that kind of response. You should not need to build your entire team around the existence of a single assassin in order to even consider a win.

Originally Posted by Lane View Post
Frost Queen's nerfs

A new client is probably the thing Riot should be concerned about, not some quote unquote "balance" changes.

Then why even fucking bother writing the first half of this post if it's just a case of misplaced priorities?

Originally Posted by Lane View Post
Literally half this shit that shows up on the front page of reddit is a bunch of silver kids who hear a pro player or streamer make some complaint about an item/champ/whatever when they're losing to it (and probably salty about it *cough* Bjergsen *cough*) and then everyone is like "OMG so-and-so says it, must be completely, utterly true"

Who the fuck even mentioned reddit? I don't care if Faker himself took a shit that spelled out "pls nerf rengar" and streamed it on twitch, this is happening in the game when it should not be.
And what's with your hardon for rank? If that's the only way you'll even listen to what I'm writing then I'll tell you I'm plat 4, and can say with certainty that a plat+ rengar main does indeed possess the ability the gib the carry and scoot himself back to his fountain in under a second.
Preposterously dank.
complaining about rengo's kit is the near equivalent of complaining about a queen's capabilities in a game of chess

i know it sucks to be on the other end but man is it fun dishing it out
the goblin

Originally Posted by Lane View Post
the champ itself is fine.

In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
i'm still wet from shen's new updates. His Q seems a lot different now tho
Triumph With Challenger Nidalee

Why does nidalee have a vault skin :c
Last edited by Lust; Jan 15, 2016 at 04:03 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I do agree Rengar is being incredibly oppressive right now just as Riot once said, but that's because of the season changes on vision among a few other minor things. It would be nice if they had a pink ward trinket or Sightstone increased the amount of pinks you can place down to 2.

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