As I am not good in here like I'm in the depths of bronze trying to get out, but do you think I should still ranking?
because they reset rankeds in 10 or 15 days so pretty much I don't know.

If you guys could come to LAS Server and speak spanish it would be a hell of bronzes who insult, I don't see a good player in days, or a player who can carry the match
Running away...
supers, literally just play your best champ, and run around the map going for kills, that should work in bronze tbh. You don't even have to cs in low bronze, just fuck with people and you'll have like a 2 level advantage and then cs a little bit to keep the lead. I used to go mid, and then counterjungle the jungler because none of his laners ever followed me to his camps.
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Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
As I am not good in here like I'm in the depths of bronze trying to get out, but do you think I should still ranking?
because they reset rankeds in 10 or 15 days so pretty much I don't know.

If you guys could come to LAS Server and speak spanish it would be a hell of bronzes who insult, I don't see a good player in days, or a player who can carry the match

If you steam roll early in games it will pretty much guarantee a win in bronze, just roam like fuck and you'll be fine.
Back for good.
But Bronze is the League of throws. The average game length in that ELO is also the longest when compared to others.

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"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
u ever wonder why everyone who belongs in bronze says the same things but the people who smurf run circles around bronze elo


it's probably u
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

my average game this preseason has been like 22 minutes long. I've boosted a few friends from bronze to gold and some other friends from mid gold to plat for fun. It genuinely feels like intermediate bots.
Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
u ever wonder why everyone who belongs in bronze says the same things but the people who smurf run circles around bronze elo


it's probably u

Damn, that was a bit mean.

No, but speaking from experience Bronze players have 0 sense on which objectives to take at any point of time. Hell, I dare say they have no idea what in the hell it is.

The way I got out of Bronze is by split pushing on literally every champ that could do so, maybe pulling out a cheese or two every now and then. People in low Elos (Bronze-Silver) generally have bad map awareness so it's really easy to just take turret after turret with minimal resistance.

Now just blindly split pushing is REALLY bad.
Make sure to have at least 2 wards and a pink optimally placed on the map at all times. I recommend placing them a little further from the lane you're pushing to spot pursuers earlier.
Make it a habit to know where the enemy is at all times. This is really easy because if they're all bundled up in a lane, you can just press tab and see that they are still in your minimap indicating that they haven't gone on the river or inside their jungle.
While pushing especially when someone is missing, ask yourself what would the enemy team do by now? Would the jungler be taking his red? Is the mid laner taking their blue? Did pressure on mid lane slowly dissipate? Am I pushed too far and the pursuer(s) can easily kill me? How many of them are missing? These questions will help you decide whether or not to continue pushing and avoid a stupid death.

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"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
That's what I would end up doing the whole game.
Stop minions here, send minions down that lane and just keeping top and bot checked while the other champs barrel down mid lane.
And yet I still can't elevate myself to any thing higher than silver 4. Sigh...
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"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
How I got out was I would stomp my laner and push my advantage onto other lanes.

most people either do the first half of that or are in need more practice
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