The general chat thread and replay thread can be used by applicants too. Almost every board but just use common sense.
[JollyR]Application Retry.
First things first. I applied to this clan before with my alt Nird.
Sense then I made an alt and have been not been into any trouble.
I have one warning for useless posting.
I was told before that I was denied because my history was real bad. I am here to show that I haven't been banned nor been in trouble at all sense I returned.

Hello [JollyR], My name is Avatar.

I am here to apply to join this wonderful clan(Obviously).

Now, my application might be a little long but that is because I feel that in order to achieve something you want you must put as much effort as possible.

I would first like to say that this is my Alt on my main Ongbash I got into quite a bit of trouble with admins. My patience was low and my anger was high and because of that there was a lot of arguements and flaming. This happened two years ago, I feel a person can change a lot with in that time and I have came to try to apply again. I applied awhile back with two accounts that I bought for belt(Xec and Demon). I understand then I wasn't a very likeable person. I acted really immature and hostile towards everyone and it ultimately forced me to take a break from Toribash. In this break I learned a lot about myself (Toribash wise). I realized that I was becoming hated and disliked by many do to my temper. While I was acting this way I never really thought about what people thought or anything else. I return a new person, more mature and more aware of how I am acting.

Now I know it will be a lot harder to prove myself to you guys do to my history and all I ask is that you look past that and try to get to know me for real. I am willing to be patient and I will wait as long as I need to so I can be accepted.

Why I want to join: Though I have tried before, my mindset has changed.

I want to join because I want close friends within this game. Growing up in this game I used to always look up to you guys as the greatest clan in the game and sense I have started I have wanted to join.

Favorite mods:

  1. Brushu/Wushu3: I think that this mod takes more skill to be great at than any other mod. If you play with other people who are skilled at it I find myself really trying to strategize and find ways to beat my opponent. The way you have to CB and chase if they run is really challenging and fun.
  2. Rk_mma: I like this mod because the gravity isn't so high but it still keeps you from flying away easy. You have to really think about how the other person is attacking you so you can avoid a dm or a hard push outside the ring. I use this mod to duel sometimes because the opener isn't a big factor in this mod. Someone can use the shittiest opener and you will still be able to counter it.
  3. JudoFrac: This mod is a little underated, but the amount of skill needed to win consitantly is high. You have to really worry about hits and damage in this one so you can avoid fracs seeing to how it is really easy to frac in this mod

Hobbies: I love to play basketball, on my free time when I am bored of playing this game or no one I know is on I go and practice my handling and shooting by myself. I like to get involved with pick up games cause sometimes it gets really intense and competive and even though I am not that good it still gives me that small feeling of being a professional. If I am not playing basketball I will probably be playing this, my friends that I hang out with live quite a long ways away so I don't get to really see them often.

In conclusion, I think that I could be a valuable member over time if given the chance. I am active both ingame and in the forums. Which could help out with kind of rebuilding. I could help with ingame events and help this clan become known to the new generation. I have ideas of events and what not and with my skill and the huge amount of skill in the current roster we could win a lot of clan events.
Turning over a new leaf!
Hi Avatar,i see you seem interesed in joining us,you probably spent time on the app but i have to ask you,are you sure you want it?
Unfortunately (for the applicants) i have a Vip subscription and i saw you askd Monk clan and Diamond clan if they are recruiting less than 5 hours ago... Now that thing makes me think you have multiple interests. What can you say about that? Why you chose JollyRoger instead of them?
Last edited by Hisoka; Oct 23, 2014 at 07:55 PM.
Yea I had multiple interests but my main interest is JollyR. I asked cause at the time they had just sparked my interest.

I am really thinking carefully about which clan I join cause I want to join a clan for the long run not to just be a part for awhile and quit.

I chose JollyR over them because you guys are closer to my age then they are so I feel I would have problems there.

Joining JollyR has been on my mind sense I first applied.
Turning over a new leaf!
Alright,than i'll put your application up for discussion on our private board. My suggestion it's to be as active as you can. Try to play with us,arrange in-game meetings,post replays,be active on our chat thread and be active on IRC.
So I am withdrawing, I assumed activity was going up but no one posts.

I see people on all the time yet still no one posts.

Turning over a new leaf!
Originally Posted by Avatar View Post
So I am withdrawing, I assumed activity was going up but no one posts.

I see people on all the time yet still no one posts.


We vote on our private board not there. Anyway the next time don't c/p your last application.