First game as Gragas in a while and I went something like 17-2-10, so fun doing half of almost everyones hp (except enemy vlads) with just one barrel.

Probably not the best build but I go straight up AP, I can stay in the lane until I get my 1600 for needlessly large rod, then get normal boots, blasting wand, sorc shoes and then rylais. I build situational defense after that.
I'm getting on a massive roll with Blitzcrank. Played one game and counted all the grabs I did, and I missed only 2 because my target was malz and he spawned a voidling right before the grab hit. Rolled that team hard.

But more in general now, anyone feel that players are getting stupider and stupider? I played 3 games in a row with, in order, a shitty Soraka, a shitty Ashe and Soraka, and a shitty Ashe, Soraka, and Yorick. All of them didn't seem to get the concept of grab = gangrape despite it happening to them around 5 times by mid game. And they didn't know how to juke at all, and their movements were so predictable it was almost boring.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
Rune are not a problem, what would you suggest. I have full AP runes, so I can trigger the AP from any of the colours. I have AD yellows, but could buy others. HP quints also. What blues would you suggest?

Currently running, All AP(apart from HP quints and Magic pen red). Starting with Doran's Blade.

Then build Hextech Revolver -> boots(swiftness if not much CC, Merc if there is) Rylai's next. Make the gunblade, then rabbadons.

I can pull off fairly decent scores. Just not consistant, and my premade team is getting angry, at me and another player, as we do not have a consistant main :S

Ok, so as I said before - Akali needs decent farming early game. That also means she doesn't have enough damage if you are getting any other items than AP. Don't build her off spell vamp. Yes, she was designed to be hybrid, but she is really played as AP char. Her job is to jump in and kill everything, then run away with 50% hp or so. You need only that 10% you get from your Dorian blade\AD runes.

So, basically I go with Boots + 4 HP pots --> trying to farm on Belt -> upgrade boots -> get Rylai (rushing Rylai is a must on Akali, because it is the only item she needs to slow and rape.) ---> It doesn't really matter by this time. I usually get Lynch bane, so you can easily get turrets down, it also gives you MR and additional AP. Other than Lynch Bane It's either Scepter or Hat. Then I usually get BV or GA.

So, runes. Since we need to trigger Spell Vamp passive, and don't want to get Doran's blade (early game is getting much harder), we need 7 AD marks + 2 mpen. I used to have CDR/5 blues, but then i decided to switch it for flat AP, since I try to be very aggressive early and trying to deny my solo line enemy from EXP. Well, rest is really up to you. Although you don't really need to trigger second passive ( it gives you 3-5 bonus damage only) I still like to go flat AP quints as well. You don't really need that extra health if you go with 4 pots at the beginning. I am totally not sure about yellows. I've seen people going with armor or energy regen, but I go with dodge.

So that's basically the way I play.
Originally Posted by Korvin View Post
Ok, so as I said before - Akali needs decent farming early game. That also means she doesn't have enough damage if you are getting any other items than AP. Don't build her off spell vamp. Yes, she was designed to be hybrid, but she is really played as AP char. Her job is to jump in and kill everything, then run away with 50% hp or so. You need only that 10% you get from your Dorian blade\AD runes.

So, basically I go with Boots + 4 HP pots --> trying to farm on Belt -> upgrade boots -> get Rylai (rushing Rylai is a must on Akali, because it is the only item she needs to slow and rape.) ---> It doesn't really matter by this time. I usually get Lynch bane, so you can easily get turrets down, it also gives you MR and additional AP. Other than Lynch Bane It's either Scepter or Hat. Then I usually get BV or GA.

So, runes. Since we need to trigger Spell Vamp passive, and don't want to get Doran's blade (early game is getting much harder), we need 7 AD marks + 2 mpen. I used to have CDR/5 blues, but then i decided to switch it for flat AP, since I try to be very aggressive early and trying to deny my solo line enemy from EXP. Well, rest is really up to you. Although you don't really need to trigger second passive ( it gives you 3-5 bonus damage only) I still like to go flat AP quints as well. You don't really need that extra health if you go with 4 pots at the beginning. I am totally not sure about yellows. I've seen people going with armor or energy regen, but I go with dodge.

So that's basically the way I play.

Well thank you for the information kind sir, I shall take this into consideration ^_^

I read that energy regen yellows are useless even more so on Akali (Q grants energy on meele hit). I have dodge from my Trundle runes, so I will use them.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech


This was in daxx's elo, so everyone was total shit (everyone was level 30, just like beginner level 30s, but I mean, entire team of magic damage hurr), but I literally won the game 1v5. I constantly held them all back at 1v5, they chased me, I'd take 2-3 out and maybe die.

They were shitting on us early game because I was too busy farming and pushing side lanes that my team neglected, was almost positive we were gonna lose. Then bam

I just pressed e,r on nid or kat and get an instakill, and then proceeded to shit on the enemy team 2 (me and the ghost)v4 as my team was farming side lanes

I've never felt that powerful before. God damn it was going to my head. Fuck that was the most fun I've ever had
Last edited by Megadoomer; Jun 27, 2011 at 11:51 PM.
Just looking at the builds there makes me remember the time I got dragged down to 800 Elo.

Then I clawed my way back up.
Originally Posted by Korvin View Post
I main akali, and I should say she is the best pubstomper. Although you need some kills along the way, or you will be underfarmed.

Also, if you find it hard to stay on your lane with some champs (which I did when started to play her) I'd suggest getting boots + 4 pots first. WIth 800 extra health you can stand against anyone and still be aggressive. But you need to get runes to trigger up your abilities without any items.

You can only get 3 extra pots unless you wait for after minions spawn.

But I'd say Xin Zhao/Kassadin are damn good pubstompers too.

Blitzcrank too
Last edited by 2worlds; Jun 28, 2011 at 04:15 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
You can only get 3 extra pots unless you wait for after minions spawn.

Due to akali's pretty fast basic speed+boots, you can wait for 4th pot and make it to line in time without losing any exp, unless your team does a lvl1 teamfight.

Also, there is Westrice's guid on akali:

I use pretty much same setup, except the yellow runes. And I never get Rageblade or Revolver.

P.S: Kassa is pretty similiar to akali, except that he does more damage late game, but has less chasing capabilities, which makes him slightly weaker early-mid game. Xin is just an amazing carry against pubs, that's true.
Last edited by Korvin; Jun 28, 2011 at 10:28 AM.

Leona, The Radiant Dawn.


I think she will be pretty cool. Guessing like a tank / kayle mash up on her.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

After the disappointment that yorick was (I MEAN THEY HAD LIKE 4 WEEKS TO WORK ON HIM WHAT THE FUCK) my hopes aren't up
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Yorick is ok. I went 15/4/12 as him on my first game.

Second game, not so ok. 7/6/3.

But, all in all, he is fun to play.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech