Originally Posted by emilss1004 View Post
meh im ok but school is lame :/

Pff, you go to school? Nub
Also, yes, school is lame
Originally Posted by Hush View Post
If you truly wished to be a hobo that wouldn't matter

Talking about being a hobo, I'm finally going to job today .-.
Also, school is actually a better place than you think it is. Unless it's shit, but that's not the point. It still will carry so many good memories when you grow up, etc.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
For you poor youngsters in highscho still: college is WAAAAY goddamn better.
I have classes 3 times a week, the most amount of classes I have in 1 day is 3, and it's from 11am to 4pm.
Yeah. I believe college is better, im actually looking forward to it.
Hopefully I can get into my dream college, but until then, im stuck as a Junior

Originally Posted by Yoki View Post
Yeah. I believe college is better, im actually looking forward to it.
Hopefully I can get into my dream college, but until then, im stuck as a Junior

Same here.
alright guy
I got GCSEs options Friday/Monday not sure
yay wopdedoo
2 weeks of teachers arguing that you should take their subjects
they all say "follow your heart" but then say shit about other subjects
it's hilarious.
Aww, so cute.
Also, feeling incredibly dumb. Not understanding anything I am "supposed" to understand, etc. Evem if I'm just an intern...
All the materials seem to be made for smart people, not the likes of me ;-;
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc