Originally Posted by Hyde View Post

>Berserks on yasuo, IE as a 3rd item

lost all credibility

Melee champions that get damage items that aren't Rengar don't really have a late game. You either win midgame really hard or you lose because the ranged carries scaled up.

Good job assuming I memt in that order, lol. And yes, Berserks, see no problem with that being a viable item.

But please, enlighten me.
You're a melee carry. Melee carries typically get hard countered by cc. Natural selection is merc treads.
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
You're a melee carry. Melee carries typically get hard countered by cc. Natural selection is merc treads.

Ive never personally had the issue. At least not with yas, tryn gets hit hard for me
Originally Posted by Lane View Post
Tell that to Jax, Riven, Ekko, Kassadin, Talon, Master Yi, Hecarim, Gangplank, Fiora, Fizz, etc.

You haven't played league of legends of you haven't been oneshot/1v5'd by one of these champions at 45 mins and you're delusional if you think late game melee characters don't exist

Jax is a bruiser. Jax builds tank items after the first trinity/rageblade usually. Riven gets shut down super easily now. Ekko is actually super weak right now and isn't an AD melee carry. Kassadin isn't an AD melee carry. Master yi is easy to shut down. Hecarim is a bruiser. Gangplank can be shut down, although he can still get scary if he's allowed to farm. Same with Fiora. AD fizz sucks now.

Only one of those that are scary if they get really far ahead is talon because he can kill you before you can react.

Also lets be real here, how many games get to 45 minutes now? I've had like maybe 3 games over 40 minutes.

Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post

Ive never personally had the issue. At least not with yas, tryn gets hit hard for me

Last edited by Hyde; Dec 14, 2015 at 05:45 PM.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post

Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post

Ive never personally had the issue.

Correct me if Im wrong, but low Elo is far differerent? I have never had the issue, so I build differently.

I never said you are wrong. Simply that I dont understand why its viable/not viable.

Also, looks like a lot of negatives scores, half to be exact. And half are the same guy.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Correct me if Im wrong, but low Elo is far differerent? I have never had the issue, so I build differently.

I never said you are wrong. Simply that I dont understand why its viable/not viable.

Also, looks like a lot of negatives scores, half to be exact. And half are the same guy.

You've never had the issue because you've never faced a player good enough to punish you for it.

If you get hit by cc as yasuo, you will die. Merc treads make that slightly harder to do for the enemy team, which benefits you greatly. You won't be able to use zerk 20% attack speed or 25% or whatever it is now because you won't get to sit there and hit anyone. If you can't hit people, it doesn't matter whether or not you can hit them 20% more times, because 20% of 0 is 0.

Yasuo is a weak champion right now for many reasons and is very easy to punish, especially at the elo the players i linked are playing at. Fox is the midlaner for UoL, Pepii is the mid laner for giants and one of the best midlaners in EU, etc
They buffs to all keystone masteries (except Windspeaker's Blessing, Thunderlord's Decree, and Grasp of the Undying) in PBE patch

PBE Keystone Mastery (Spoiler)

I like how Riot make Stormraider's Surge become more viable. It may useful for Singed, Hecarim, or any Assassin champions.

PS: They took heavy nerfed to Frost Queen's Claim in PBE. It have now disables this passive after kill a minion again.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post

Ive never personally had the issue. At least not with yas, tryn gets hit hard for me

Usually, most Yas max out Q CD at lvl 9ish with runes and masteries and I see no point in auto attacking faster after that.

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"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Originally Posted by Lane View Post
So apparently melee carries can't be AP


TIL that too, plus apparently a fed Riven isn't scary at all and easily shut down to let the enemy team freely catchup (apparently the 4 other guys on Riven's team are afk ^.^)

Hyde they're called "carries" for a reason. They carry games.