Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
The only reason Roccat even qualified for the Regionals was because SK done goofed and choked all of Summer Split so their 40 points for placing 4th in Spring Split meant jack shit, letting Giants and Roccat shimmy into Regionals with their 20 points for finishing 5th and 6th.

Speaking of Spring Split, Roccat was relegated after that split. Any team that can be considered a good team, let alone a top team, should at least be able to avoid relegation. Literally, if the Splits' results were swapped, Roccat wouldn't have qualified for Regionals because of relegation status. If they can't consistently score in the top half of their region, they don't deserve to be called good.

Yeah, they obviously were relegated, since they played in summer split LCS.

The only factors that are at all relevant in deciding whether or not a team is good is their most recent showings. Roccat is a good team. That's present tense.

If ending summer 5th and getting 3rd in the gauntlet isn't enough for you to consider them a "good" team, idk, I guess silver players must hold high standards for challenger players.
Last edited by Lane; Dec 7, 2015 at 08:29 AM.
What do you consider good? Roccat had no possibility of doing jack shit at worlds if they had made it there. H2k was good , they just got put in a group with skt and edg. TSM wasn't even "good" by the time we got to worlds. Roccat is/was average sure, but they definitely need a lot of improvement.

The only good eu team right now is OG.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Uh mate, Fnatic signed spirit. That's huge. Fnatic is going to be the strongest team in the west again imo.
Yeah I was just on Reddit and just saw that, I still think it's a stretch to assume spirit will work at 100% immediately but yeah they might end up being as good as last split by summer.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Originally Posted by Lane View Post
Yeah, they obviously were relegated, since they played in summer split LCS.

The only factors that are at all relevant in deciding whether or not a team is good is their most recent showings. Roccat is a good team. That's present tense.

If ending summer 5th and getting 3rd in the gauntlet isn't enough for you to consider them a "good" team, idk, I guess silver players must hold high standards for challenger players.

You put a lot of emphasis on rank don't you? Quite frankly, it doesn't matter what the source of the information is if the information is right.

3rd in gauntlet out of 4 teams is still bottom 50% of gauntlet. Considering the team they had to beat to get 3rd was Giants, that's even less impressive, as Giants pretty much rely on one trick ponies at top and mid. Furthermore, the only reason they even placed 5th was because they won a tiebreaker against Giants, and 5th and 6th still received the same amount of Circuit Points anyways, so you might as well consider 5th and 6th synonymous in this situation. If you're going to say Roccat is a good team, then you have to say Giants is also a good team, because they performed similarly to Roccat in both Spring (9th vs 8th) and Summer Split (6th vs 5th). And I can safely say that Giants is nowhere near a good team.

Roccat is nowhere near top of their region, and being middle of the pack of a region is not enough to be considered good. Heck, being top of a region is not enough to be considered good if your region is severely behind other regions in meta and/or talent. Top NA teams almost never perform on the international stage, and I would be hard pressed to call any of them good.
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by Lane View Post
I guess silver players must hold high standards for challenger players.

It's a sport now m8, that's general sports fan behavior.

You don't have to be challenger to criticize loulex or kiwikid for being shit

That said, I disagree about Roccat being bad. I think that they had a very strong team overall. They had a shit top laner in a top-heavy meta. Imo, they're top 4 EU.

With UoLs new roster, and the team that's going to replace gambit, that might change.
Last edited by Hyde; Dec 7, 2015 at 08:23 PM.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
It's a sport now m8, that's general sports fan behavior.

You don't have to be challenger to criticize loulex or kiwikid for being shit

That said, I disagree about Roccat being bad. I think that they had a very strong team overall. They had a shit top laner in a top-heavy meta. Imo, they're top 4 EU.

With UoLs new roster, and the team that's going to replace gambit, that might change.

Better yet, dont have to be a chef to know food taste like shit.

Also, dragon egg ward is the best
Poor people unite!

We will cry about not being able to buy dragon egg war.
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