Originally Posted by Hush View Post
Yeah but the enemy team almost never gets mr
plus I actually prefer to use my boots defensively, I can easily get magic pen elsewhere

When they don't buy MR, flat pen (Sorcs, Guise, Abyssal) become MORE useful. Turning 30 MR into 15, 0, or -20 MR (not even counting runes and mastery pen) is more valuable than tenacity... l0l. If you feel like you need defense greater than Hourglass or Abyssal you're playing AP carries wrong.

Flat magic pen = good when they have low resists

% magic pen = good when they have high magic resist (60+)

because math

I don't even like hourglass anymore, its price going up 500g was unneeded imo and since the majority of damage this season is sustained (aa's and whatnot), its active won't save you a lot of the time unless you use it to get your cooldowns.

defensive boots are a pretty bad option for carries imo, you're goal is to deal damage/assassinate people. You're only hindering yourself going for defense if you are a hypercarry. There are exceptions of course, but maximizing damage whilst minimizing time is ideal for a lot of champs.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
I main morgana support and I prefer to zhonya at some point while I'm ulting and getting chain cc'd :v
Yeah so do I, but getting 3500 on a support takes an awful amount of time.

\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by MrJingles View Post
Yeah so do I, but getting 3500 on a support takes an awful amount of time.


not if you support well enough ;)
when i support with lux i usually end up having a lot of kills and farm so i can afford what i want

but this is blind not ranked
don't know if anyone has brought up the mana potions disappearance.
they were a vital part of my anivia build, but now i find myself backing every 5 minutes (maybe less), simply because i don't have the mana to support my adc. they gave her an extra +50 base mana in the update, but that's nothing considering her Q uses 70 mana to start with.
i use the Q responsibly, but it's just an exercise in futility trying to support with such low base mana.
any tips?
Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
don't know if anyone has brought up the mana potions disappearance.
they were a vital part of my anivia build, but now i find myself backing every 5 minutes (maybe less), simply because i don't have the mana to support my adc. they gave her an extra +50 base mana in the update, but that's nothing considering her Q uses 70 mana to start with.
i use the Q responsibly, but it's just an exercise in futility trying to support with such low base mana.
any tips?

Q only when you see an opportunity to kill them or if you think you can win a heavy trade.

I tend to play the lane kind of like how I play blitzcrank, but with a lot more aa's and dodging.

If I remember correctly, there is an anivia main in here that probably knows more than I do so talk to that guy
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
i suggest buying tear of goddess and building it to archangel staff

i think everyone run out of mana in the earlier levels but when you reach higher levels you dont
Originally Posted by MrJingles View Post
Q only when you see an opportunity to kill them or if you think you can win a heavy trade.

I tend to play the lane kind of like how I play blitzcrank, but with a lot more aa's and dodging.

If I remember correctly, there is an anivia main in here that probably knows more than I do so talk to that guy

yeah, maybe i'm being too wasteful, i don't know. i tend to play very aggressively.
i'm definitely not spamming it though.
also, curious about the anivia main guy because she's not the most used champion ever.

Originally Posted by Simon View Post
i suggest buying tear of goddess and building it to archangel staff

i think everyone run out of mana in the earlier levels but when you reach higher levels you dont

yeah, i usually purchase the staff midway through a game, but maybe i should make it my first one. i usually start off trying to up my ability power with luden's echo. i also start off with ancient coin.