that's what I said before, adcs are absolutely stupid this season lol.

Though I really like trist's new skin. They did a fantastic job on it
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Essence reaver is literally the stupidest item in the game now. Rito didn't learn that making two stats scale off of each other in 1:1 ratios will inevitably result in it being abused and it shouldn't be done. They did it with Azir with CDR and AS, they did it with Yas by putting crits on crits, and they decided to merge the two, because that would totally be a good idea, and decided to put CDR on crits.

You literally can get 30% cdr from that item and a zeal alone, alongside the ad, as, and 40% crit those two together provide without that stupid passive.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by MrJingles View Post
that's what I said before, adcs are absolutely stupid this season lol.

Though I really like trist's new skin. They did a fantastic job on it

i really like it tho, tested it on pbe and i love it

that and the new hecarim skin tho :o
no u

Fuck i cant access my garena acc. Even if i enter the right password.Help! Fucking shit

The musical stylings of hasagiman, starring Graves, literally Hitler, and the greedy ionian jew
Graves does a lot of damage, but I don't think he is the worst of the bunch. Mf is pretty bad, and with the new items/masteries, tryndamere got soooo much worse. Getting full cdr on him and shit ton of crit is really gross.
Yasuo got pretty stupid as well, last 6 mid games I've played were against yasuo.

I 1st ban tryndamere because no one should play that champ at this point in time whether its my team or theirs
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