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I completely tore up hawk and unlim in aikido yesterday(; but, if there's any mods I'd love to get better at, it'd be twinswords and wushu. I suck at both. Someone train meh pleese. Also, I may not be the best at aikido, but I could teach you a thing or two possibly sometime timee. I used to be good at Abd, but no longer. I've grown to hate it, honestly. More of a lenshu/nograb guy.

I want fluny back!
nothing much

Aww, thanks Audio and Pammy. I really need all the help that I can get, especially since I've been getting a ton of duel requests from strangers lately due to my suppossedly high (or is it low?) in-game rank (rank 99 as of now).

Same sentiment here, Pammy. Aikido and ABD are actually starting to get on my nerves now as well, with all of the unsportsmanlike stuff being done by other players and whatnot.

I actually fell in love with rk-mma a few days ago. I joined an Aikido server filled with really skilled black belts, and the OP changed the mod from Aikido to rk-mma. I wanted to complain, mainly because I didn't know shit about how not to suck in rk-mma. Once I tried it, however, I found out that it was really fun and stuff. I ended up winning 4 times out of 6, which was pretty unexpected, shocking even. (Exit, stage right ... God, I love Snagglepuss.)

In general, though, I'm still the same old sucky Timee that you bros know and love (to mutilate).
Last edited by Trick; May 27, 2013 at 02:26 PM.
Finally ... the return of de4th's patented "profound insight and other inspiring and/or thought-provoking stuff".
I'm pretty good at wushu/twinswords/taekkyon, but I tend to screw around a lot. I'd like to get better at aikido, because I'm basically shit at it. I like grabs, as it makes sure that the enemy doesn't run, like in Mushu. I pretty much suck at most mods though, so yea. Don't expect much from me.
My life is made up of unlimited blades.
I'm good in aikido, and abd. Just I think they are boring, and suck the fun out of toribash.
I agree with unlimita about the grabbing, so that is why mushu is my #1 faviriote mod.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
This is my favourite word at the moment. It isn't obscure or particularly flashy, but reading it gives me the warm fuzzies. (lol wut?)

lithe |līT͟H|(also lithesome )
(esp. of a person's body) thin, supple, and graceful.
You’ve been taught all your life that truth is easy to hide. You'll face your judgment another day and suffer eternally.
Originally Posted by sabreon View Post
If only i had 'nuff tc for a ground texture

I'll third it.
You’ve been taught all your life that truth is easy to hide. You'll face your judgment another day and suffer eternally.
Mushu is awesome, but twinswords frac is awesomer.
You’ve been taught all your life that truth is easy to hide. You'll face your judgment another day and suffer eternally.
Hey guys. Sorry for the double post, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on having a friendly clan war with Power. Nothing serious, just to have some fun and get lots of us in-game for once. It wouldn't be today of course, but just sometime in the near future.

Also, I'd love to see some progress being made on Vradomor's event. Do you think you could get a rough draft of everything you've gotten so far concerning ideas into one post, Vrad? Then we can discuss it, and plan things out.
nothing much