I'd like to thank Insanity, Collossus, and everyone else who voted for me.

I didn't see a vote from Collosus, but Insanity had told me that if I got a yes from him an invite would be sent.

And well..

An invite was sent. I hope to get to know you guys! Welcome your newest Reaper; error!
Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
I usually take a long time to vote, or don't vote at all. Welcome anyways.

Thanks. I hope to get to know you and everyone else in [Reaper]
Colo stop bragging you bitch :P

you also pre-ordered GTAV

BTW colo we shall play some cs together at some point dude just msg me on steam as i cant remember if your steams Immotay lol
CkyToH/GuineaTigg Active from Mar 2008 - Jan 2019
I don't think anyone would have this because they've probably upgraded, or they hate PSN..

But might was well ask.

Do any of you have a ps3?
I'm just gamin' man
never had any console beside a ps1, looking forward to buy a ps4 later if I get enough money, just for the exclusives.