Originally Posted by Nird View Post
Awesome, I don't mind the time wait. I am willing to be as patient as possible.

Also, do you mind coming into irc so we can have a little talk?

After the IRC talk we had, you know where you stand. I wish you good luck and I am sorry.
wishful eyes deceive me
It's ok missuse. Things happen I will continue to post around and get to know you guys so you guys can see that I have changed.

General Information

Hello, I am Askijeki. I'm a blue belt and as you have probably guessed or at least had a hunch about, this is not my first account. I'm completely aware that you would like to know the name of my previous account, though unless it so becomes absolutely necessary information for me to get into [JollyR] or Jolly Roger I'd like to keep it private. I have never bought qi. No, I didn't have a bad reputation, nor was I banned, I simply didn't enjoy the name I had on said account. I'm 15 years old, and I live in -5 timezone or American Eastern Central time. If you'd like to contact me my skype is sirpiggy818, I just ask that you please state you are a Jolly Roger member when and if you attempt to add me. I am a sparer and a pretty good aikido player as well as ok at some of the 'ushu' mods such as Wushu and Mushu. Though sparring is what I'm mainly into at this point in time. I seem to have trouble finding sparers that are up to par with me so I've mainly been self sparring in single player. I try to be as nice and as reasonable as possible, but there is the occasional slight out lash at times if you've managed to really piss me of or I've had a shitty day. As for infractions and bans, I've gotten a few infractions/warning here and there when moderators did not feel the quality of said post was up to par, and looking back at the warning or infraction after the post, I feel that they are competently appropriate. No bans as of now. If you want to find me ingame I can narmally be found in either a betting server or if I want to play I may be in tournament, such as the 1000tc greykido tournament. I am extremely forum active. My post per day is only around a 2.3 due to the break I took with Toribash due to life issues. I assure you if I'm let in to this magnificent clan I'll be one of the most active members. I'm sorry but I do not have a voucher. If you have any further question or concerns you can contact me through this forum, through Skype, irc, ect. I agree with the rules.

Previous Clans
The only clan I have been in on this account has been Good Game or GG. If needed I can tell you about the clans on my previous account, but like the username I'd like to keep it private.

Why did you leave them?

Well, I made GG because I thought I'd have time to lead a clan, but it turned out this was false. Shortly after the creation of this clan I began to get extremely busy and couldn't keep up with the demands of leading a new clan (recruiting, warring, posting, ect). And to tell you the truth I haven't gone back because I really just don't feel like it...

Why Do you want join JollyRoger?
Well, like most clans I think about applying for, I have been lurking around your forums for a little, I won't say forever, but a little while. In this time I've been able to gather that you all are a pretty forum active bunch for a clan of your age. I have also been able to concur that most of the players in JollyR are extremely skilled at whatever there specialty is, where it be art, video making, replay making, or anything else. This clan is extremely well rounded with some reasonable people in it. I do fully believe that I'd fit in well, here and it would be a great experience. I could learn from and play with some of the best toribashers out there.


Well, it's only the one for now. It's just a simple self spar on katana.tbm. I, being my dim-witted self, forgot to turn off DMs and of course have no idea how to hack them off... During this spar, I somehow manged to get uke's sword to slip into just the right spot to instagib his hand every frame. So I would have to take it one frame at a time, hitting R after every shift space to cancel the break... It just got to frustrating, and I just ended it by slicing his arse. I don't consider it to be amazing or even my best one. It is simply to only available one at this moment.
Attached Files
Ask - Katana.rpl (446.3 KB, 13 views)

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
Very nice effort into your application. Will make a thread about you in the private board. Also -- we'll probably want to know your other account just... incase. Will be kept in private if you wish.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
I'd really like to keep it under raps, but if you determine that its necessary, I'll tell.

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
App Withdrawn. :L
Attached Files
#Kasmi - Boom Boom.rpl (153.4 KB, 8 views)
#Hmmm.rpl (120.7 KB, 6 views)
Holy...rpl (43.8 KB, 6 views)
I Have No Clue..rpl (84.3 KB, 8 views)
The Most Epic Save.rpl (144.3 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Kasmi; Sep 25, 2014 at 05:06 PM.
Originally Posted by Kasmi View Post

Hi There!

Thus we embark on thy tale of Kasmi's app for Jolly Roger.
Alrighty, so where to start... hmm...

General info!
My name is Kasmi, and to the naked eye, I may appear as a blue belt, and if you thought that, you'd be correct.
I am infact a blue belt. However, this is definately not my first account, as you can probably tell. The main mods I play are Aikido (All Variations), Mushu/Wushu (Not so good at wushu) I want to join JollyRoger as I know they are a group of people I can get to know well, I have been in 3 previous clans, The Monastery (Monk), Blast (B) and Haze (Haze). I left (Monk) & (B) because they were both filled with people who I did not, in any way, fit in with. I left (Haze) as I origionally created the clan as it was pretty much my main goal when I first found out about Toribash, but as time went on, I met some pretty cool guys and we soon became a clan with 3 leaders. I thought this was odd and thought they could do better by themselves. I had 1 previous account, "Time4Teddy". Nothing happened to it, I just didn't really like the name, so I sorta just... Abandoned it as I didn't feel like paying the 100k fee for a name change. I have never bought QI, however "Time4Teddy" was a 2nd dan black belt (2,000+QI) I have had no infractions as of "22nd September 2014". I live in the UK, so... EST time zone. At the current time, I am 15 years of age. I would have to say I'm pretty damn active both on the forums and in-game, I go on both every day without failure. I do not have a voucher... Special skills... hmm... I guess I could say I make some kinda, average skill level videos?

Video Example

I have attatched both Multiplayer & Single player replays to this app.
Something about myself... hmmmm... This is a tricky one... I'm currently taking digital art classes in the hope that one day I will make/sell my own heads.

Fun Fact! I'm kinda good at drawing lemons.


Wow, this text is small huh. I should probably do something about that... But meh, I don't want to seem obnoxious and desperate.

Your app it's going to be discussed. Feel free to chat with us on the general chat thread, on our IRC or meet us in-game.
Originally Posted by Kasmi View Post
My name is Kasmi, and to the naked eye, I may appear as a blue belt, and if you thought that, you'd be correct.....

Yo Kas,

I enjoyed your replays and your app - when I saw that lemon I had a craving for tequila instantly.
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by missuse View Post
Yo Kas,

I enjoyed your replays and your app - when I saw that lemon I had a craving for tequila instantly.

Thanks! Now that you mention it, the tequila is on me!
Originally Posted by missuse View Post
Yo Kas,

I enjoyed your replays and your app - when I saw that lemon I had a craving for tequila instantly.

Uhm, don't know if you denied him or not, but he has applied to [Evil]. It seems after a couple of days of his application here in JollyR he decided to apply to Evil and stick to whoever accepts him first.

*cough* *cough*
Last edited by tictacky2; Sep 25, 2014 at 03:26 AM.