
I just got an RC helicopter and it keeps failing and crashing, i suck :c

Then again, alot of the controls are freakin' wierd.
"Die Elfen"? i stood infront of it saturday, but i bought "Thor" from hohlbein
the guy who made "the elvs" made also all kind of mittelerde guys like "the orcs" and "the Dwarfs" right? ^^

wtf, schneewitchen is called snow white in english. rasism included
lol'd at the last thing.

that sounds like a bunch of WoW stuff, lel.

btw, i can now fly my helicopter with pro mad skills. \o/ I tought my dogs a lesson on not biting it, i fly it right into them o: scared the fozshite out of them ;3

i could show you same nice heli skills
I'm not an animal hater D: i just don't want them chewing up my 30$ |:

Take a video o: i might take one later.
AHD: Oh you!

thx <3

bio: there are videos, but not from rl. im a pilot in bf2 (look my sig-vids)
Woah, never heard of bf before, but that looks freakin' awesome. I can't believe some of the manuvers you made o:

Fuck yeah, just made it land in my hand >:D I love this thing
I've seen parts of Eragon, pal was bored on some lessons and was reading it so I took a few looks. Ain't bad, it's SOMEWHERE on my "want-to-read" list.

Also my most wanted book so far is the collection of books about Drizzt, but shit is like, impossible to get, at least where I am.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by Moltee View Post
me ? D:

no? :<
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''