Originally Posted by Woohooman View Post
Name: Woohooman

Age: 15

Belt: Blue. I hope this doesn't bother you if i'm kinda low

Past clans: Pwr

Player card: I'll put that at the end of the app. I hope you don't mind
Mods you're good at: Well i'm pretty good with ABD. My main mod is any sparring mods. I love sparring.
About yourself: Well in real life I know Taekwondo. I'm an old school toribasher. I had this game, I think around 3 years ago. This is I guess sorta an alt. I forgot my old account. I came back to toribash after watching a video made by Mocucha. Which I know is in this clan.

Why do you want to join eVo: Well I want to join because this clan has some of my favorite sparrers. I feel like if i'm in eVo, there would be plenty new oppurtunities. eVo seems to be a great clan, I love great clans.

What do you want to accomplish here: Well I want to try to become an honored member of the clan. I also want to spar for example Largekilla or Mocucha.

Replays: I know this isn't necessary but I just want to to see if it'll help my app.

Now for my player card:

I'm sorry, but i don't see how playing in 2010 makes you an oldschooler. Forgive me if i misread.

Also I'd wait till blackbelt+ before applying but that's just me. I'm staying neutral on this one... shifting closer to no however.

Originally Posted by CaKe View Post
As in?
Guys I'm not leaving that easy.
Unless Trip says..
"CaKe fuck off, i'm not letting you in"
Or anything similar...
I'm not leaving this is my dream clan.
And I get kicked just for what being banned once?
D3 goes banned for 4 days and no one says anything.
And I get banned and just not even an hour passed,
Eddy's on the case (who posts in the forums like once a month)

Perhaps it isn't "That" you were banned but rather "Why" you were banned.

Originally Posted by BrrrHaHa View Post
Name: Real:Oliwer Game:BrrrHaHa
Belt:5th dan
Past Clans:none
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..):I can make vid

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any):Its my first account

Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): I am good at: Spar, Parkour, Aikido, Aikido Dojo Big, Taekkyon, Lenshu,Wushu

About Yourself:I come from Polish. I can speak English, I train handball, judo, I like pizza ., I often play in Toribash, I'm active. I've never been in a clan but I hope that someday I will accept

Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]:I want to join eVo because I really like the clan and the people who are in the clan. I also believe that members of this clan are very good in Toribash.

What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If Accepted Into [eVo]:If you will accept me, I will try to keep the clan as long as possible and I will be active.

This bold section of your app doesn't bode well to me. It just screams that you will have issues following clan rule's and make a bad image for yourself and the clan.

Not that it matters, but its a no from me.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
This is just a question. Is it possible to be in trial but not be in the clan. And if you make yourself worthy you could join. I just got this idea from my old clan. They had trials to prove if they were worthy
Originally Posted by Woohooman View Post
This is just a question. Is it possible to be in trial but not be in the clan. And if you make yourself worthy you could join. I just got this idea from my old clan. They had trials to prove if they were worthy

It feels like it's the same thing as we come in-game to test you and talk to you to see your character, don't see the point in it.
Siku can't touch this!
Originally Posted by Woohooman View Post
This is just a question. Is it possible to be in trial but not be in the clan. And if you make yourself worthy you could join. I just got this idea from my old clan. They had trials to prove if they were worthy

Well, you can just play with members ingame and try to impress them, and after that you could just ask them to vote.
Basically what I did.
Ahhh you beat meh ;(
Last edited by CACROT; Mar 19, 2013 at 09:44 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Haha, I ment that swedishpower beat me in replying.
Dammit trip! >;3
Last edited by CACROT; Mar 19, 2013 at 10:06 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Daym right.
So, gtg to school.
- school is gay
Cya in about 6/7 hours of this post.
Last edited by CACROT; Mar 19, 2013 at 10:13 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump