Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
I got 150 on my fan club and no one gratz me

Gratz? Is this some new term all the cool kids use?
Bring On The Thunder!
Dude, shoving a tube down your dick is absolutely preferable to getting up to pee ~Risk 2K16
Originally Posted by Vokster View Post
Gratz? Is this some new term all the cool kids use?

IDK what that word even is.

Originally Posted by Vokster View Post
Gratz? Is this some new term all the cool kids use?

Gratz has been around for years I'm pretty certain it came from WoW but I might be wrong.

Let Satan guide you
Originally Posted by Satan View Post
Gratz has been around for years I'm pretty certain it came from WoW but I might be wrong.


I think so to, But i'm pretty sure it was spelled a different way.

Congratulations DeakManiac. You have been promoted to "Desperate Attention Whore." I mean what?... And Satan, I got you a cat but you have to come get it in person.

Meow. :3
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by Satan View Post
I've always wanted a cat. Is it black?

And careful, he's MLG pro.

Damnit Satan, you always had a thing for black cats, is it because of the bad luck they bring, or their gorgeousness?