Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
This heated discussion would be nice without insults to entire groups of people. Satan, entering the work force at 16 doesn't TECHNICALLY make you smarter, just less reliant and more aware of your actions. I've met 30 year olds who are still dimmer than a broken lightbulb. And Vokster, Satan is an intelligent creature, and you should not fight with him about such simple-minded subjects.

Meow. :3

The Discussion was over. We started talking about the weather instead
Let Satan guide you
Originally Posted by Satan View Post
The Discussion was over. We started talking about the weather instead

I was in Britain 2 years ago while I was touring Europe with my family.. It rained one day, the rest was nice. But ya, everything was overpriced.
Bring On The Thunder!
Dude, shoving a tube down your dick is absolutely preferable to getting up to pee ~Risk 2K16
Originally Posted by Vokster View Post
I was in Britain 2 years ago while I was touring Europe with my family.. It rained one day, the rest was nice. But ya, everything was overpriced.

Consider yourself extremely lucky then
Let Satan guide you
this forum has gone weird by very new member.
oh and Satan. 3 more days until your 1st year toribash anniversary
Last edited by Mist; Jun 4, 2014 at 08:22 PM.
~#1 Shittiest Shitposter of TP 2016~
Ex Co-Leader of Origin
*whistles but then turns around and shouts I GOT HIM NOTHING D:
Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
No gratz. I feel left out

Why do you feel that way?