Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by iRookie View Post
Awesome, I have been looking for an org. like this.

Posting 5 replays, both multiplayer and single player, won't get you far when you're applying for an organisation that revolves around single player replay making, especially when there's massive size 7 bold font in the first post telling you to "ONLY POST THREE FUCKING REPLAYS I MEAN FUCK".
Re-applying, sorry if you think I did it so soon after the last one.

They're all madmans, sorry.

And I'm not too good in good-looking openers yet.
Attached Files
%Clay_Variations.rpl (223.3 KB, 13 views)
%Clay_Wing Spread.rpl (206.1 KB, 13 views)
%Clay_Gastrophetes.rpl (200.0 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by clayspade; Aug 1, 2011 at 05:26 PM.
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
Here's another application.

Bam - Madman + Skeet
Cargo - Splitcap
Poke - Madman/Manip
Attached Files
(Chaos) Bam.rpl (215.5 KB, 19 views)
(Chaos) Cargo.rpl (132.0 KB, 15 views)
(Chaos) Poke.rpl (85.8 KB, 13 views)
League of Legends NA: Locus
Sup guys, I'm CroKO, and i want to join your ormo organization
I hope you will enjoy my replays =)
Attached Files
!CroKO for you!.rpl (157.0 KB, 16 views)
!CroKO thrush.rpl (181.9 KB, 18 views)
Ishimura, They are pretty inactive but when they get back they will get to everyone, just be patient.

I'll make it easier for you and just say I don't think your ready just yet. You need a little more work. You are well on your way to being a member thoa.
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby

Tornado: Implying that you've moved uke various times the replay wasn't that good. The opener was a bit common, even if with some adjustments, and the following flip looked really stiff and bad performed. The two hits would have been quite nice without those blatant uke's movements altough the way you've done the decap was a bit questionable.
Quite important fact about it: you didn't relaxed a single joint during the whole replay, talking expecially about elbows and knees ruining your flow.

Punch2: Uuuh this one was aven more stiff than the first one. Absolutely ordinary opener followed by a grabby hit (obviously you couldn't get many dms without grab seeing the momentum you've got, frames 415-389). The backwards boomhit was decent and you've tapped well the high gravity for the two skeets. However totally bad transitions and pose ruin whatever good there was in this replay.

Chocolate cake: This may seems the best replay out of these three. Wrong. Though the flow and the transiction got better you haven't done a single hit without grab, excluding that kick on frame 190. Assuming that that opener is not yours the beginning of the replay was kinda decent and there were all the requirements for doing a good crotchblock or at least that is what i'd have aimed to. Well, after making the flow disappear at frame 310 with a unnatural and actually bad punch (without forgetting on the grab thingy i mentioned before) you've done a pretty good looking double knee dm that in that moment wasn't such a bad choice. I noticed you use to hold all the joints not involved on a hit (ex. left arm and leg on frame 235) making the replay look stiff and lowering the possibilities of making a proper boomhit. Totally bad timing on contracting the knee getting just a few numbers of dismemberment (otherwise you could have gained 1 or 2 more). Nothing to say on the skeet, a little indecision if grabbing or not grabbing (that's the problem) on frame 170 but overall that was probably the best choice at the right moment. Good pose, nuff said.

So well, you look much more like a showman than a replaymaker with a good eye for details. At the moment is a no but i'm looking forward to see something, perhaps no grab.



Cearia: Perhaps openers may not be as important as other parts of the replay but we (and expecially i) are looking for some variety on them and not the usual edited extremerunedit one. Anyway, the split and the attempted decap were a bit too simplistic, i'd have opted for a 360 kick arrived on that point and perhaps using the left hand for a better hit. The part between the frames 800 and 250 explains itself, boring, stiff and totally without a point, just like a cat running behind a flashlight. However from the frame 250 forward that unexpected skeet and the following part totally got me unprepared, may that be the effect of steroids on your tori or any other stuff but weirdly i remained quite impressed of it. Pose was OK.

Immortal shadow: Can't give a proper C&c because of my totally gnorance about sparring. However it looked quite good, much better that what i could do.

Oblivion freerun: I guess i'm the only one without that mod. Will try to look for it around. Meanwhile i'd say no to you.



Water: Quite simplistic replay, That's all. The opener, even if you seem a bit aimless there, actually brings to a pretty nice manipulation that you could have tapped better instead of opting for a weak and bad looking decap. In my view the following head manipulation has been made in order to fill some space on the replay that otherwise would have remained quite empty (not in the sense that now it's not too simple).
Stiff pose also.

Interactions: More a matter of fortune than anything else in my opinion. With a proper kick on uke's leg this replay could have been way better, the pose was rather stiff and holding all the joints after the frame 450 just ruined the whole replay flow. Your foot ghosted almost accidentaly since the momentum was fairly low as well as the speed. Plus you've contracted that knee a bit too early. bad choice :V

Oc36: Let's overfly the opener's part otherwise i should comment a notnoob's work. First of all, i loved that first punch (even though you grabbed uke) and that's actually what i'd have done as well if had i partecipated it. The fact you've contracted the wrist right after the boom had no sense for me and actually looked rather bad. After wasting an opportunity for a crotchblock you've decided to flip some more and try to decap that head, weird choice for me, the head was way easier to decap and the follower kick on the glutes would have been much more impressing, plus it wouldn't have ruined your flow and you would have avoided that horrible part between frames 130-55.
About that, Ahem... So many multiple hits with only one hands grabbing while extending and contracting the elbows continuosly couldn't look that good as someone expected. No flaws on the pose, smooth as oil.

Not Ormo material but not that far from it. As someone says ''You're just below the bar''.


#Numbers and Leyz: What am i supposed to do? oh well, will do a proper C&c tomorrow.


#iRookie: Good to see you still haven't changed your replays. You cares a lot of your application i see.
Last edited by Pulse; Aug 3, 2011 at 01:25 AM.
Long gone
So, thanks for the answer.
Cearia - isnt the only one my replay in that style, but i know, that the opener is really bad.
Also: here is the oblivion mod.
Last edited by Ishimura; Aug 3, 2011 at 10:19 AM.