Endurance Onslaught 6.0
In-Game Name: Markofo
Belt/Qi: Brown (had a 5th dan in 2009)
Age: 15
Reference from any member(s) of the clan: N/A
Reference from notable any person(s): N/A
Join Date: early 2009 (first account)
GMT (TimeZone): +0
Preferred modes: Judo, Classic, Joust, Any weapon based mod.
Previous clans: Devil-Hunter / One
Why do you want to join: I would like to join because i was previously in a clan that has been on the line between life and death for a long time, and i want a clan that gets involved.
Why should we let you join: Because i am a fairly skilled limp fighter who knows how to counter many of the openers used by the masses.
Ban history: one ban in 2009 for a double post (2 days)

I am a friendly player who always likes to have a chat whilst he fights, i always end a game with "gg" or feedback on the other player to help in there progress. I am always ready for a challenge and will hop onto Toribash anytime, i also have started playing Toribash lots more than i used to (this is more personality than game related) i play lots of music and music games (Play electric guitar, and when i am in school at lunch my friends and I usually have "Tap Tap Metallica (AKA Metallica Revenge)" battles to see who can get the highest scores, i am very good in maths and i usually put that to work whilst creating textures for friends, I listen to metal, jpop and electro. sorry if i trailed off a tad but i dont really know what to type here XD

Side note: i really hope this isn't like writing my CV for work experience otherwise i wont get in XD
Not a bad application.

I think you may have potential, you just have to have the people skills to handle us.
Which will be perfectly demonstrated with a trial week. If you get one.

I'm saying yes to a poll.
Why the hell did he join tint ._.
-Facepalm, le slowly drags hand down face, ripping face off casually then eating it. Then scrapes the muscle off my face and chugs it down my own throat, killing myself-