Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
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To get this thread back on track with official server mods:

-I suggest GTBoxing is added but not as a replacement
-I also suggest kickboxing public room is replaced with erthtkv2.tbm which does not currently have a public room which imo definitely needs fixing

I can agree with that wholeheartedly.

Shitting on staff is the favourite past time of all those, who have at one point tried to change things. But thats a whole different discussion.
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
wat,why replace kickbox with erthtk and not just add an erthtk server?

The kickboxing server is empty a very large proportion of the time and erthtk is a very natural replacement for the mod, as it is in the same category and far more popular
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
i think kickbox is a classic though,as judo,ninjutsu,aikido,tk etc

its an interesting point however ninjutsu has also been removed in the past - personally I think it should be a replacement as it is a rather inactive server but I guess ill leave this judgement up to the GM team :v
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Originally Posted by bacic View Post
i don't know who staff is, probably because they are never around where needed, oh wait, they are busy banning newcomers who dont understand this complicated system yet.
staff is chosen by biased and not clear and not public methods.
more then 4 months ago i first posted, then 2 weeks ago, never got even fucking answer.
btw, first post with list of all official mods wasn't updated more then 1 year.

I don't see how we're not there when we're needed, most if not all staff members are very active, but you can't expect us to come to your aid exactly at the time you ask for it, we have our own lives to deal with and we're doing a voluntary job.
As for how staff is chosen, it's completely unbiased, people get in based on how competent they are when put in the position they are chosen for.
Prime examples are Kyure and TyZi, who have been chosen based on how good they can moderate the toribash forums, rather than how they are viewed by the community. It's not a popularity contest.

Anyways on topic:

You said yourself that you wait around an hour for "good" people to come to your public GTBoxing server, that just proves that the public room would be inactive or not-so-populated. I think giving new mods a chance, rather than bringing back the old school ones would be much better. Some recent mods made by Odlov (such as rekbo and messer) are currently pretty popular and fairly competitive and fun in the same time.
I don't really know why GTBoxing was removed, but it was probably because people didn't play it as often as the current public mods.

Also about ErthTK being a public mod, hell yeah

I hope you understand, and remember, this is MY opinion, I do not speak on behalf of the GM team on this one o/
Last edited by Viddah; Mar 5, 2016 at 04:27 PM.

PM me if you need anything
Originally Posted by Viddah View Post
we have our own lives to deal with and we're doing a voluntary job.

if you can't find time for your duties, then you should be replaced with someone who can.

Originally Posted by Viddah View Post
You said yourself that you wait around an hour for "good" people to come to your public GTBoxing server, that just proves that the public room would be inactive or not-so-populated. I don't really know why GTBoxing was removed, but it was probably because people didn't play it as often as the current public mods.

that proves nothing, currently gtboxing community is small mostly because alots of old players quit because our server was removed.
it was very popular, alots of ppl that i know played it but dont play it no more cause they dont have place to.
just one of examples how carelesness of staff killed one aspect of this game.
it is very inconvenient to host it every day.
besides it is not only me who wants it back.

and please, try to host some unknown mod and wait and see how many hours will pass until you have just one good game.
i'm really trying hard to revive old gtboxing community and to bring it back the way it was.
Last edited by bacic; Mar 5, 2016 at 04:47 PM.
Originally Posted by bacic View Post
if you can't find time for your duties, then you should be replaced with someone who can.

If only that were how it actually worked.
Honestly, it's not that easy to find someone competent and has a lot of free time. Plus, I wasn't saying that we don't have time, I was saying that sometimes we might overlook some things and everything that happens, everyone shouts at us for not being there to save the day.

Originally Posted by Toribasherx23234
viddah dident replied to my ban appel, and i posted it 20 minuts ago!!!!!!

Other than that, I host unknown mods every week, I'm a GM afterall.
On a serious note, there aren't enough GTBoxing avid fans to make it a public mod again. I still don't see how it should be picked over the other mods we have right now.

PM me if you need anything
Okay, hello, just passing by to warn that any other attempt to derail this thread will result in infractions. This is Off-Topic, not Staff Complaints.
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Originally Posted by Viddah View Post
On a serious note, there aren't enough GTBoxing avid fans to make it a public mod again. I still don't see how it should be picked over the other mods we have right now.

this thread is where we can ask for mod right?
well we are asking and i'm not only one.