eh put down judo as my specialization too
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
Originally Posted by Zimi View Post
Jepoy you can add RenZoneNL,
me and andri tested him...

Last edited by JePoY; Dec 20, 2007 at 05:35 AM.
MrSuperKarate - Black Belt (Judo, TKD and Wushu)

Sorry but mods:
Kickbox wushu judo and tkd...
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny
Originally Posted by Jepoy
Get a Dan so your Belt will be Bold.
This list is according to belts.
This list is according to Dump belts.

The black belts still arent in bold, black belt is 1st dan, it is a dan degree.