Endurance Onslaught 6.0
The bartender gets a key from under the bar, and puts it on the table.
"Up the stairs, last one down the hall. And would that be all? Don't want a drink o' two?"

Says the bartender as he places a glass under a beer tap, to give to another patron. He fills it up, and slides it to where the other man is.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.

"Nice bark there, but I doubt you can back it up with bite." she giggles

"Why are you so angry at me anyway, I saved your ass."
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers
Outskirts of Saxum: Efiia Manor

Norville Efiia wakes up his stomach growling as loud as a large bear would. As hungry as he is he has the thought that he just may be able to eat a bear. Sliding down the banister he leaps into his kitchen and looks for something to eat. After eating what was left of his small food supply he decides that it was finally time to go to town and get food, A chore that he always hated to do because he always runs into trouble. Grabbing his coat and satchel he heads to town.
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
Rusty Cantina
"You have made a good choice, my friend"
Anthony remarks.
He pulls out a sack of coins, and slides it across the table to Alfonso.
He stands up, and shakes Alfonso's hand
"Good luck on the battlefield!"
Anthony then walks outside, and mounts his elegantly decorated steed, and rides off to Saxum.
Saxum Marketplace
When Norvilla reaches the marketplace, it is a busy as ever, except something is different this time. The grey and red uniforms of Saxum soldiers pierce the crowd, and the ribboned and colorful outfits of the officers can be spotted from time to time.

Time is now 3:22PM
Last edited by Ray; Sep 28, 2011 at 04:24 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Outside of the rusty cantina

After tossing the inn-keeper a couple coins, Alfonso exits the inn. He decides to go to the nearest armor shop, to look for some more armor, just incase.

Crazy Kenny's Armor shop

Alfonso looks through crazy kenny's armors, and finds none near his size.

"Where may I find a blacksmith", he says menacingly to the man who appears to be cowering behind the table.
Saxum MarketPlace

Norville is confused to see such a numerous amount of soldiers "Times have certainly changed since I was last here" he thinks to himself. Walking over to the nearest vendor he buys himself enough food fill his horses bag. Tossing A small bag of coins to the vendor he walks up to what would seem to be a higher ranking officer and with the grace of 25 years of being socially awkward asks.

"why are there so many so many soldiers in the city now?"
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
Crazy Kenny's Armor Shop
The man behind the table hesitantly says
"Head toward the south, near the river. It should be few blocks from an inn. Look for the house with the iron furnace coming out of the roof, there you will meet Borca."

Saxum Market Place
The officer, a bit puzzled by the man abruptly asking about the soldiers says
"Haven't you heard? The elves have started war, and recruitment is is in full swing"
Last edited by Ray; Sep 28, 2011 at 08:16 AM.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Saxum Blacksmithy

"Do ya think you could slow down?!" Jajul cried as he struggled to keep up with Borca's steady pace. "You're gonna kill me!"

Borca replied, "For cryin' out loud! How many times am I going to have to say it? Outline, shape, refine, heat! It's not that hard!"

Jajul had spent the past few lessons taking diligent notes. After learning the basics of blacksmithing, skills he already knew, he finally got to request a lesson. He had begun to make his first sword, yet he still had to grasp the finer points of detailing. In order to keep up appearances, Borca had instructed him to gain weight, grow facial hair, and exercise more often. What he hadn't told Jajul, however, was how he was supposed to go about gaining these facets. Jajul hadn't gained much weight, but he had gained a black eye while walking to his inn. Street hoodlums had never given him a hard time back in Arlad. Then again, the city hadn't been in war. Jajul had never had any reason to dislike the elves, but recent events had led him to the certain conclusions regarding their nature. He had taken note to be on his guard more often than not, especially once tales had been told of the recent assassinations in the city. The town had been menacing when he arrived. When the time came, and he knew it would, he'd be the one behind the scenes. Then, he'd be ready.
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