cadilhabruno if anyone wants to play some matches sometime.
Played DotA for some years, moved to HoN when it came out, moved to DotA2 a short while ago.
I'm usually a support.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Originally Posted by Dinis View Post
Wisp has 100% winrate in the grand finals.

Originally Posted by Dinis View Post
Wisp batrider.
(the combo na`vi used in game 2 of the grand finals)

wisp and batrider have been first pick/ban material for months.

batrider was either picked or banned in 100% of the matches.
including preliminaries i think.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
wisp/ck pretty classic combo too.

wisp ck is boring, was sad when it was picked up.
wisp tiny > all.
tiny with overcharge and tether buff doesnt afraid of anything. that is entertaining dota.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
medusa and naix seem kind of strange.

medusa and naix are probably shitty offlanerts if theyr contested strongly, both heroes need a fair bit of farm, medusa moreso than others.
i mean, typically, offlaners should be heroes that are effective with little farm/levels.
but if the offlane is 1v1 or just easy, it should be fine.
more situational picks like if our carry is a bloodseeker on mid or something and the lanes are pretty obvious.
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 13, 2013 at 06:08 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
wisp ck is boring, was sad when it was picked up.
wisp tiny > all.
tiny with overcharge and tether buff doesnt afraid of anything. that is entertaining dota.

medusa and naix are probably shitty offlanerts if theyr contested strongly, both heroes need a fair bit of farm, medusa moreso than others.
i mean, typically, offlaners should be heroes that are effective with little farm/levels.
but if the offlane is 1v1 or just easy, it should be fine.
more situational picks like if our carry is a bloodseeker on mid or something and the lanes are pretty obvious.

Never seen wisp tiny but sounds very entertaining.

Just played a game with Arglax and Obilivion and


But Oblivion did an awesome self-deny with Nat pro. Cool stuff.

Also played this game with Arglax and it was really fun
Even with terrible lag, it was some great laning and in-and-out-and-in-again.
I'm support or semicarry (if playing pub-ish) or support if playing decently (rarely).
Nickname is Tinerr90, added some. It'd be nice if we had 10 people and make some matches for the fun. ;o
Last edited by Tinerr; Aug 13, 2013 at 09:19 PM.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Never seen wisp tiny but sounds very entertaining.

Just played a game with Arglax and Obilivion and


But Oblivion did an awesome self-deny with Nat pro. Cool stuff.

Also played this game with Arglax and it was really fun
Even with terrible lag, it was some great laning and in-and-out-and-in-again.


Yea, I sucked.
But that game you linked was a good one though. I play Earthshaker a lot now, I love that hero.
f=m*a syens
So. So. As someone that loves hard carries and shit and hasn't played in like 3 weeks (lasthitting is half dead, I'd get barely 40 cs at 10 mins) I tried to play a utility support.

Shit's neat.
Originally Posted by Dinis View Post
So. So. As someone that loves hard carries and shit and hasn't played in like 3 weeks (lasthitting is half dead, I'd get barely 40 cs at 10 mins) I tried to play a utility support.

Shit's neat.

Damn I'd be glad if I could get 40 last hits at 10. I like earthshaker, but his farming is pretty difficult with him.
f=m*a syens

Lume, i got a half a doom set of apocalyptic fire and the other half eleven curses, pm if interested?

and is anyone here good with Jakiro? hard support maybe?
Like a lie
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
Damn I'd be glad if I could get 40 last hits at 10. I like earthshaker, but his farming is pretty difficult with him.

No need to farm, at 12 minutes you can afford a blink dagger even with 0 lh