Hey Oracle! You're supposed to comment and post a replay of your own! >_<

@Toriboomer: Pretty good speed and fluidity, though you could have pulled off about half of the DMs without grab. And balancing on your hand was a very very very boring ending to that speedy little madman.

¬_¬ I'm very fickle about ending poses. That's why I'm a fan of Rutzor.

I wanna change my title to Poser~

I'm getting more into Rutzor's style of dancing. Below are my attempt :P
At first I saved the replay because of that awesome spin I got at the start. Decided to edit it today :P
So it starts off with that awesome spin, some frames of my typical 'breakdancing', and then it slowly builds into Rutzmania.


Dancing is in my post below this. ¬_¬ Don't ask why.
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a-jv roflfeet.rpl (150.4 KB, 21 views)
Last edited by joonveen; Mar 1, 2009 at 01:18 PM.
Oh crap >_< I edited Dancing to make it better but it didn't upload properly~

Yay my title is updated <3

Nice, constant speed, a triple-DM boomkick..though the last leg DM kinda disrupts the spotlight. Nice spin there too.

Now, enjoy Dancing.
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a-jv dancing.rpl (363.3 KB, 18 views)
I saw some pretty good moves here, but you have to be lot more relaxed and move smoother. 6,5/10
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leilak_itsahardknocklife.rpl (141.6 KB, 25 views)
its uberly awesome 9.5/10
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0 doublepunch.rpl (87.3 KB, 19 views)
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
the decap punch is so clean, it looks like the dm was lowered. 10/10 also because of the epic spin at the end.

here you can see how to make your foot grabby.
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Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count
8/10 very nice, its surprising that first kick didnt DM more joints.
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hit the ground running.rpl (110.5 KB, 16 views)
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
#First no grab
Not bad at all for a first. Though your 'follow up' after the DMs just killed the replay. It's like omgomgomgBAM!! NO GRAB SEXINESS~ and then you just..die.


No grab final
Amazing decap for a great start off. The pause between the 2nd and 3rd DMs kinda sucked, but since it was to 'stay in position' for more pwnage, it's okay. The last kick could have been a cleaner ab DM, IMHO. The ending is much better than your past replays I've seen. Nice one.

Attached Files
a-jv half alive.rpl (118.0 KB, 13 views)
Meh, didn't really like the split or the decap. Looked stiff and jerky. But I guess there's not much you can do with only legs.

Any replay at all in here thanks. Just to so subtly bump my thread.