Operation catch-up 2014

I have missed tons of good game series or individual games in the past few years, for various reasons, and I made the decision to catch up on all the good stuff I missed in the last couple of years, as I have so much time on my hands with the upcoming summer vacation of 2 months. I can't await it.


The List

If it includes only the main name of a series of games, I mean to play the series, not only one of the games. I am currently playing Bioshock 1 and I really enjoy it. It actually has held up decently as well, concerning the graphics and all. Nice atmosphere in my eyes.

If you guys want to suggest any games that I might have missed, go right ahead, anything is welcome. Keep in mind that I'm rather looking for games with a strong singleplayer though, but anything goes. I'll keep you all updated.

Edit: Yeah, I'm careful nowadays who/what I give my money out for. that's the only real tangible thing left to do at this point, to make sure that people get the recognition they deserve.
Last edited by Nobuddie; Jul 15, 2014 at 01:26 PM. Reason: forgot to reply to Aika.
I've started with Fallout 3, and man do I enjoy it. I love the exploring, the stealth, the gunplay. What a solid game. Since all of you said that NV was even better, I can't wait till I play that!
That is a good list, played like the half of it. The first Assassins creed was truely awesome, as it was new to everybody. I started to play Black flag a few month ago and stopped playing it at 50% main mission because you all most only play old habits without improvements and sailing/pirating gets boring too.

I'm gonna start Fallout III again I guess. Never finished it but it's so funny to play. I still remember the funny talks from the beginning, it's years ago though.

My only games that are still on my computer and still used;
- Diablo II Lord of Destruction
- Battlefield III

The reason why I will play Battlefield 3 is that I'm so annoyed of new announcements of the publisher which promises a new game to make you buy old titles for the full price again (best known for; CoD).
Battlefield 3 feels like a perfect game.

And Diablo 2 LoD is the perfect game IMO. After all this years, I still go for the evil atmosphere. Searched some songs at YouTube and got goosebumps. I guess there will never be a game like this again.
Priority of today are pay to win where you spend more than in one big title (Toribash for example, because the basics are so expensive that you wount stay in the 60 bucks average) or like no improvement games with to big promises, made for the casuals

People who played legendary games will understand, like the first Metal gear, Zelda, etc
Diablo 2 is great, but I fucking can't handle it anymore. I know some people spend their whole lives doing bhaalruns but for me - I've played enough. By the way, I've heard D3 with the "recent" patch has become sort of good. I'm almost tempted to check it out.

Right now I'm mostly playing a bit of Terraria. It sorta sucks you in, especially since there is a new content that I don't know.
I've recently checked out Sniper Elite v2. It was fun for ~30 minutes, after I got bored of the killcams, I got bored of the game. Meh. Also shitty level design not allowing actual sniping.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Agreed with Aika. Also JtanK I read your review of SE v2. That last sentence with PLS BUY DLC PLS made me lose it.
Never played this game. I remember those killcams from Max Payne and they got boring back than too. I saw some trailer and it didn't reminded me to real sniping challenges. It must be 1 of the thausend war egoshooter

Terraria is available on Android, JTank. Was fun at the beginning. But it's limited in what you can do and what makes fun. Looks like a minecraft copy with just a few improves.
Yeah, Sniper Elite and Sniper Ghost Warrior are both very mediocre franchises. I finished Fallout 3. I haven't explored everything, but I kind of lost the drive to go to every single location, but I did a big lump of all the side quests. All in all a very enjoyable game, barely dated, although some things did piss me off after a while, but it was just minor crap. Currently playing FTL because chill as fuck game, although it is far harder than I expected. But I can see coming back to it very often because it's so nice and relaxing. Same thing with The Binding of Isaac.