Epic fail to Rfifan. He gave no to ARRTR with replays and a yes to robo who didn't post replays... Yes to roboman :P Damn now there are applying forum inactive members >.>
lol i dont think tht those guys will be active on forum u guys have to be more strict cuzz we dont need any inactive members and i think they are noobs xD
wanna spar? pm me =]
ye but we can have fighting on-line members like hmm how to explain it uhhhh like people are on toribash fighting online

i think we will have some members we keep just to be online and the real players we will have forum active and forum active so i think we can make sin for all belts again and the recruiters can just recruit anyone then give me there name and i will see if they are forum active
Special Skills: I can kind of skate? :o
Forum active?: Yes [:
Are you Ingame active?: Everyday
Why should we pick you?: I'm a very dedicated person
What do you have to offer this clan?: My time, My money(Although that aint much XP), my charisma and my will to learn to be a better player who can benefit the clan
Belt black and above: Black
Bans or Infractions: None
Previous Clans: None

Do you make any art? Videos? I was considering texture making :p
Attached Files
HEAD CAG.rpl (24.5 KB, 5 views)
HeadRip win.rpl (41.0 KB, 5 views)
Kickpush.rpl (46.7 KB, 6 views)
BalanceFlipFail.rpl (40.9 KB, 4 views)
TypicalKerlis.rpl (16.4 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Kerlis; Jan 26, 2010 at 03:10 AM. Reason: Sorry about that, I have no vids I'm proud of. :S
fill out the application right and i will think about giving you a maybe

didnt really fix it but what ever i give you a no
Last edited by carbonking; Jan 26, 2010 at 04:53 AM.
lol ive played with kerlis he is a verrry nice person but he is a beginner so i have to say no i already tested him he lost all 3 times lol
wanna spar? pm me =]