Dude I am not lying... All I am saying is ive seen that image... If you don't want to make another thats fine. Im going to make a new image. =)
Last edited by ugonadie6; Oct 14, 2012 at 01:26 AM.

thanks iPoor, that piece of art is new I made it 2 days ago, but someone thinks different. and on top of that, I give him the chance to prove himself right (which he can't because this is new) and he dosen't. so... yer I'll make something new again, and this time theres going to be no bad sportsmanship.
Leader of nothing
Good Job!! I dont know what should be changed I just wondering what is that blue line above the hair
I know it was monalisa,
and yo Legendarys Artist I sugessted you guys to make a cool bandana(tricep texture) for this clan