I love dogs and i dont want to post a pic because i might be the younges one in the clan... Man your dog is teh best. I want a dog. I always wanted a lab i like them with long hair.

Edit: If there is someone in the clan younger than me ill post a pic.
Last edited by marccod; Jul 22, 2010 at 01:40 AM.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
Originally Posted by Organ View Post
this is me

I demand 7 inch beard, go.

I'll post pics soon lemme find some. I'll post some of my puppy too. He's 3 years old but he's smaller than sorrow's dog :P. I agree with Organ also, the last pic is the funniest :P.
well i'll try to grow a 7 inch beard, if i do i will take a pic with a ruler to prove it's 7 inches
You don't say?
Originally Posted by chidorikid View Post
the dog have bigger eggs than you sor :>

Yea, i guess the dog does have bigger ears than me.
Originally Posted by Organ View Post
this is me

Originally Posted by faint View Post
I demand 7 inch beard, go.

likewise ^
[Evil][OLDA][wl][pro pot]
thanks sorrow, and evolution 7 inches is a personal accomplishment when it comes to length of beard lol. i've only had it up to about 2 1/2 inches before it started to bother me XD
You don't say?
I have the chin strap and i think its a good medium between a long and short beard and it does not bother me in any way.
[Evil][OLDA][wl][pro pot]
The photos of Fail. The darkest one. With the chick kissing the other. The one on the right looks really intimate. On page 8.
Originally Posted by marccod View Post
I love dogs and i dont want to post a pic because i might be the younges one in the clan... Man your dog is teh best. I want a dog. I always wanted a lab i like them with long hair.

Edit: If there is someone in the clan younger than me ill post a pic.

I'm the youngest kid in the clan bro. 12 years old ._.
"The best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate or Judo man. The best fighter is someone who can adapt on any style" - Bruce Lee