Try uninstalling and installing
Turn off then on

Nothing works?
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
allocated 4x the normal memory for my minecraft when I installed it.. not about that and ctrl-alt-del really doesnt work with this stuff, booting minecraft just gives me a few minutes to play before crash again :/ aaand uninstalling it deletes all my stuff (yes I know I can backup it) But I think I got that problem fixed by now..
Last edited by 2pro4you; Aug 4, 2012 at 10:22 AM.
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
Well of course' uninstalling deletes all your stuff, but you went and deleted the whole .minecraft. Just delete the bin in the .minecraft folder located under %appdata%.

That deletes the game, and you just start up the game to reinstall. If you ever want to know how to install mods you can ask too. I think most of us here know how to. ;P
I know how to install mods but thanks anyways. and the problem was with my save files and texture packs.. So deleting the bin wouldn't have helped since it'd have removed my mods and the problem would still be here :P
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
Install the latest drivers for your video card. That's what I had to do for mine. Kept crashing when I first played. :3 Also the sky was green and the water was red. So it's sometimes the root of the problem is found at the video card's drivers.
Originally Posted by fantyful View Post
YAAAY, 1.3 is here!!!
What's your favorite new feature? I like it that I can open my world to lan, way easier to play with my nephew who lives next-door now

Inventory. Definately. And the villager trading thing.

Originally Posted by jisse View Post
I like the creative inventory the most

I agree, the inventory is quite good.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post

Pyramids and temples are cool too but not as much as those mentioned before.

I like the pyramids.

Alright, and what's the feature you most hate?

For me, water pushing you into walls hurts. :<

But that may be a glitch, if that's the case, my choice will be the sideways placement of logs. Makes it much harder to make certain structures, like a wooden bridge. I'd need so much scaffolding to get the right log position :<.
Last edited by fantyful; Aug 7, 2012 at 01:06 PM. Reason: Glitchy McGlitchiness