PM'd you about it.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
I Have read, and accept the rules.

I can play AikidoBigDojo (and any variants/related mods; such as Rk-Mma Greykido, etc..) I dabbled in wushu for a bit and know how to come back and sustain a game but I'm terrible compared to the better players.

I am a custom belt

I want to join Jolly Roger because I have been in the community a while and have a great respect for this clan and it's members; I also recently saw an old friend (DropKick) In-game and he spurred my interest in the clan again. All in all I want a clan to "retire" in, a place where I can post ever so often and feel well respected within the community in.

I've been a part of many clans over the year so I'll only name the long term ones; I was in [Vortex] for a while then I joined [Secret] back when clan wars mattered(ish) then I Joined [DM] then when it became [l] I helped to start [Mr] with Stellargod (now Ryan) then I joined [Tint] and after a few years break I joined [TGS] and now after a few more years I want to settle down and hopefully become a member of [JollyR]

I left those clans because people changed and clans died, I was only kicked from one clan and that was [TGS] because Orko was mad at me for something I can't even remember. (I think the official reason was "I don't like you anymore")

No Earlier accounts

I Bought Qi a long time ago, from aroud 3rd or 4th dan to master belt then I battled my way to a custom belt

I have no accounts with higher Qi than this

Infractions from simple rule breaking in forums (mostly market related when I didn't know the rules); I was banned once for "suspicion" because of a glitch in the safetrade system that generated tc on my account; (safetrading from one account to another on the same IP generated an error message when there was no error and it said to refresh and try again. Everytime I refreshed the system re-sent the original tc to my account and I was freaking out and refreshing because I was under the impression that I had lost 250k; it was not until I restarted my computer that the tc was transfered to my account in a mass sum of somewhere around 15kk. Me, being stupid sent it to an alt and bought full elf on a white belt among other things. I was banned and the tc and items were taken so in the end it worked out)

State your timezone. -5 (Dallas, Tx)

State your age. 18

Forum activity. 5/10

In game avtivity. I pop in every once in a while 4/10

Vouchers (The guy who invited you). DropKick

special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that). I am a streamer within the community.

(replays attached; I didn't know how many and could only find these because I deleted all my old clients)

and Something I'd like you guys to know is that Koala's are awesome.
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shits and giggles.rpl (323.3 KB, 6 views)
The doctor is in v2.rpl (82.7 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Kowla; Jun 21, 2014 at 05:11 AM.
Thanks for your application Kowla. One thing I must inform you is that we are very inactive and perhaps only 2-3 of JollyRs play in game often. If you still want to be a part of Jolly, I will post your app in the priv board. Decision shouldn't take long since only few member will vote (drop, dengue, me and perhaps 1-2 more).
wishful eyes deceive me
I agree with the rules ;)

I can play AikidoBigDojo (my actual best mod),wushu3,wushufix,greykido,ninjutsu,lenshu,mush u and other mods... Oh, i don't know how to spar

State whats your belt (At least 7th Dan).

10th Dan (12k Qi,global rank 1210)

State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger.

Well, first let me say that JollyRoger was one of the first clan of "prestige" that attracted me as soon as I started Toribash (2011), I did not apply before because I never felt up to it, but now that I have all the requirements and a few good years of experience I feel ready ... I would like to join JollyRoger because as I said before for me it's a very solid clan and with a very high reputation ... in addition to being a fan of Dengue art. I am aware that the clan is inactive these days but I would still be happy to be part of it and I'd settle for a game every now and then, a few chats on the forum and some wars when them happens.

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of. State why u left that clan.

I was part of [Piratez],another great clan (yeah i have pirate experience),unfortunately I was kicked after 1 week due to an unexpected ban... Pretty sad. I was in [xp] too but I did not felt part of the clan, so I decided to leave. I was in [iCoF],the original 2009,and i also revived [iCoF] the last year,left to Pikarus and PerfectBro for the same reason as Experience. I've been in a few 2011 clans too wich i don't remember the names.

State if you had any earlier accounts (including the names of those accounts).

I have 1 or 2 more accounts,i don't remember their names,i don't use them anymore.

State if you have bought Qi.

I bought Qi long time ago. I did it becouse of marketing. I did it just to be able to hold high Qi items due to have more control on the market. I bought around 2-3k to reach the 10th Dan.

State if you have bought an account with higher Qi than your original account.

Never bought accounts,when i joined Toribash it was illegal yet.

State past infractions/bans.

Well i can say i have a good amount of infractions on the market,i can say i've learned english playing Toribash so at the begin i got some problems understanding how the marked works and learning the rules,but now a days i don't have those kind of problems anymore,i market almost everyday usually ( those last weeks a little less becouse i'm a little busy). About the game-related infractions they're really less... I remember my first infraction,given me from Mystery,it was for rigging decap,but at the end it was lifted by Tonakai, it was a misunderstanding. As well all the other infractions are lited or expired.

State your timezone.

Italy, GMT +2

State your age. 18

Forum activity.

I'm enaugh active on forums due to my necessity to check how my market stuff it's going.

In game activity.

I usually play a few minuts every day,just to take a break or to relax...

Vouchers (The guy who invited you).

Nobody invited me,it's just an attemp i felt to do.

Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that).

I have good market skills,i got great times on market the last 2 years so yeah buy/sell it's my speciality.
I also tryed to make some art but i don't have dengue skills,all can i do it's c/p and mudbox,nothing awesome.

Some replays.

As i said i'm not a good replay maker/sparrer so i don't have any replay it's worth to see,sorry.

And finally state something about youself,that you would like us to know.

Well,i live in Italy but i was born in Romania 29/03/1996. We moved there when i was four,because of the low pay for the work that my parents had. Here in Italy i study informatics,to be precise,game and programs developing and various programming languages.
Name: realmee
Age: 10
Skype is my moms but : censored
gmt is ireland time
favorite mod :ABD
Last edited by ancient; Nov 6, 2015 at 08:58 PM.
Originally Posted by realmee View Post
Name: realmee
Age: 10
Skype is mymoms but :verinja77
gmt is ireland time
favorite mod :ABD

I don't think we need to discuss that application... You know the feedback man,sorry.
I agree with the rules.

Who am I ?

Hello, my name is Theo Guerrini i'm frrench and I'm 13 years old.
I'm making international competitions of Karting with my CRG 125cc Rotax junior max.
In this kind of Profession, every driver needs a minimum of maturity.
My dream is to reach F3 and above all, reach F1.
My ingame activity is 7/10.
My forum activity is 8/10
I live in Thailand (GMT +8 )

Why do you want to join us ? :

I would like to join [JollyR] because I'm searching more than a clan, a family.
Also, I would like to share my toribash Experience with talented players.
I'm hoping to be in [JollyR]since my green belt.
For me,[JollyR] is an "Elite" clan which accepts only "la crème de la crème" of the player,i never applied before due to the the belt restriction.

Any alternate account/ban/bought QI ?

Yes,i have an alternate account but it's just to form a friend to The game,he started some weeks ago and have a low belt (My account is DatYolo).
I never bought QI and i never had any infractions or ban.
My clan

I was at (WaR),Who died.
I was also at [Elite] and [Fr_Death].I left both of them due to the inactivity.

Any Skills?

I think i'm good in replay maker but that's all.


No,nobody invited me to post in the clan,i saw ingame that JollyR was recruiting,this is why i post today.

Player Card :.

Thanks for reading my app.
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