Originally Posted by Satan View Post
They're both nearly indentical, and GIMP is free. Free adds like 10mil points to its 'betterness' skill

Not really photo shop, you can do so many things it's unbelievable gimp only has half.

Gimp takes more skill in my opinion.
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Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Whell it depends, because Gimp really is a more, how can i put this,. More of a basic application photo shop is very difficult to learn, But for gimp it more straightforward.

Lol kratos, even when i am wrong I'm still right . So Ha to all of you !
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
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Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Satan. I know many guys who used just Gimp, just photoshop and some that used both sources. Talking with them, i found out that, who used gimp said that it didn't take many time to learn how to do something cool and these positive things, but these who said photoshop, found it pretty hard in the start. And well, i tested myself and still.
It depends what you're using it for. I still stand my original statement.

Both are equally complicated, but its just personal preference.
Let Satan guide you
What did i start! they both have the same idea in mind but its your opinion about witch one is better
Originally Posted by Satan View Post
It depends what you're using it for. I still stand my original statement.

Both are equally complicated, but its just personal preference.

You should search what you can do with photo shop. oh wait almost anything.