Originally Posted by EJM View Post
Because all the points you stated can be played top and for better reasons. If you're thinking wave clear and pushing, it's easier to manage that in the top lane, where the jungler and mid lane threaten to gank you, instead of mid, where bot, top and jungler all threaten to do so.

In the top lane, you'll have an easier time poking and getting in melee range, while in mid, ranged mages will give you a hard time, especially for your barrels.

GP mid has potential, but top lane is still a much better choice for him.

I have more of an impact from mid lane than top lane imo. I can even run tp mid if I really had to (vs twisted fate, shen, etc). Sitting near tower farming whilst the squishy enemy laner is overextending to harass me (note it's hard to gank me because of my oranges + movespeed from barrels) means free kills for our jungler or me.
If the enemy tries to freeze I can just pop a barrel in the wave and unfreeze it instantly, so there's that.
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Nothing about Anivia dealing half your health at lvl 2 when she hits you with Q->E at melee range

Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
He is one of the better balanced champions there are.

Not really... if he gets one kill early its, over. Especially when he gets his tri-force.

it's funny how you can tell exactly what champion our team had to deal with depending on one item
the goblin
Rengar? Shaco? Kha'Zix? Talon? Akali? LeBlanc? Teemo? Twitch? Vayne? Wukong? Evelynn? A support who is really good at vision control? I can't tell exactly what that Oracle's Lens was for :-( please enlighten me

Also what's your summoner name
Originally Posted by Lane View Post

that one

i only upgraded it in case of additional shrooms

it's MardoLardo
the goblin
Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
Not really... if he gets one kill early its, over. Especially when he gets his tri-force.

There are quite a few champions like that. That doesnt mean these champions dont have counter play. Excluding norms, because that doenst amount to shit. If you are in a ranked game, counter play him. Done.
Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
Anyone here know how to Leblanc? HALP.

If you want to roam and have good waveclear, max W but you'll be mana hungry in return. If you want to blow your laner up at lvl 6 with 1 combo, max Q as it will have the highest AP scaling on a basic ability as explained below.

Harass combo is QW or QR. Should take 1/5 to 1/2 their health.

Burst combo is QRWE. If you go against someone mobile, you can do QW>wait for mobi abilities>RE.

Explanation of Q and W

You can also try maxing Ethereal Chains since it would have a 100% AP ratio if you can keep it on your target and also a higher base damage than Q.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I heard you guys were stuck in bronze, or silver.

Well maybe you know im french, so im watching french youtuber...

Then, let me introduce you, Skyyart, a french League of Legend Streamer, ranked Master.
He create a serie, call "From bronze to diamand" (Translated). Where he show you picks, that will allow you to climb, alone. Without giving a single fuck about you teammate.

I know you cant pretty much understand french. But the pick, the item choice, the way he play are really obvious to understand. And seriously some of the pick are just too good.
(Its a playlist)
My choice to carry a team in 1v5 are :
Kha'Zix, Yasuo, Jax, Rengar, Vayne, Ezreal, Master Yi. ^^.
French Player, Old member of OFRO