Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I decided to make a spam thread in the Off Topic section to talk about LoL and give my signup thing, since I needed one more referral (which I got, now I need 38 till my next reward XD). The thread was quickly locked, and a mod told me to post my link in the LoL section which, frankly, is fucking retarded since everyone in this section already has LoL.

But whatever, I will obey -.-

My referral link is http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?r...98700489899285

If for some reason you don't have LoL and want to get it, go ahead lol.

On topic the upcoming Gangplank buff will make him an amazing jungler, and might have gone a bit overboard. Permaslow from passive ftw.
<Skulfuk> I'm a rapist? I prefer to call it "surprise sex"
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
He's my favorite champ, but is pretty bad high elo. He needs a solo lane and if you get denied hard, then it's basically a 4v5.
However, he's the tryndamere of Mages. You feed him and it's over. And it's easy to get fed.

Also, most people say QE is his combo, but remember if you have blue, Riftwalk can deal serious damage too around 3-4 stacks

mk, i might try him out. I'm currently 30xp off level 24, so I'm not exactly high elo :3
21/3/5 with lanewick : d

1v1 with baron was not a problem : d

Also, cool rotation this week, finally I was able to try out Urgot - he's so op in early/mid : d
Urgot has some of the most brutal early harass in the game. Pity he sucks ultradicks after 30 minutes or so.
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Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

the fuck, I need to wait 10min till I can login?
Did this game turn to silkroad??-.-
about 9000user want to login
[GU] [RL][Epic Replay Theard][Realism Player][deviantART]
Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
Urgot has some of the most brutal early harass in the game. Pity he sucks ultradicks after 30 minutes or so.

qft, it's pretty much like:
10 mins = op
20 mins = op
30 mins = :|
40 mins = up
I was tempted to pick up Gangplank again after I saw his changes which were...

Grog-Soaked Blade
No longer reduces healing and regeneration, but now slows movement speed by 7%
Now stacks up to 5 times, but duration reduced to 3 seconds from 10
Damage changed to 4-21 from 5-19
Fixed a bug where Parrrley could sometimes restore gold to other players
Now applies Grog-Soaked Blade
Raise Morale duration increased to 7 from 6
Cannon Barrage damage increased to 75/120/165 from 65/110/155

But then I saw...

The gold per 10 component of Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold, Kage's Lucky Pick, and Avarice Blade is now unique to itself

Jewplank has just died a tragic death :<

Originally Posted by Powas View Post
qft, it's pretty much like:
10 mins = op
20 mins = op
30 mins = :|
40 mins = up

And I could disagree with that. If you play into tank urgot after like 2 AD items, you can still be a valuable player in the late game. Nobody can really ignore a 200-300+ AD champion with a spammable q that stacks 1:1 with AD, and a nice aoe armor reduction poison thingy. But they have to when he has like 400 armor and mr.
Last edited by Oracle; Jun 22, 2011 at 05:13 PM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I don't get those gangplanks and tryndameres stacking avarice blades. What the fuck, it takes like 12 minutes for avarice to pay for itself, considering you're also selling it afterwards. And this way you waste over 20 minutes for stacking avarices, while you could simply rush the infinity edge. I'm not gp player, but hell, every single player I could consider a good player asked about stacking said it is complete stupidity.

Neither do I get people complaining about Urgot's 30 minute performance. Unless you had bad early [which shouldn't be the case], you should be doing very well at that point and Urgot just falls off at the point when everybody gets full builds, but even then he's useful.
Unless entire enemy team stacks 6 armor items to counter Urgot, in which case it's even better because AP carries would eat them lol.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
chreeys... in europe (where you are atm) its like that: 17h pm> 2hrs waiting time... gl hf...
playing as orianna now... some kind of support/carry ap thingy... awesome..

31-1-12...nice game... first time using ulti (lux stunned two guys) instakilled (2ks btw) 4people... after that: dragonbuff and buffstealing... easywin... really overfed i was...
Last edited by pinheads; Jun 22, 2011 at 05:59 PM.
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Originally Posted by pinheads View Post
chreeys... in europe (where you are atm) its like that: 17h pm> 2hrs waiting time... gl hf...

Wow, this game really turned to Silkroad.
I miss the time when you were able to login when ever you wanted :|
[GU] [RL][Epic Replay Theard][Realism Player][deviantART]