In-Game Name: John97
Belt/Qi: Blue belt/226
Age: 13
Reference from any member(s) of the clan: No one referenced me.
Reference from notable any person(s): No
Join Date(The date you joined the forums): Idk... Not too long ago.
GMT (TimeZone): Central
Preferred modes:Akaido Wushu 0Blanzorjoust
Previous clans: Bleu
Why do you want to join: I've wanted to upgrade clans for a while and figured... Why not now?
Why should we let you join: I can get the clans name out there and recruit the best players
Ban history: None
Sorry I forgot my replays... I'll have them on here tomorro K?
Last edited by john97; Aug 1, 2011 at 04:46 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"Upgrade clans"?
That's a no from me, sir.
He got accepted to Bleu just a few hours ago, and he immediately applies here?

Get out of these forums, you are not loyal or trustworthy enough.


The acceptance of his application.
Last edited by crazylars; Aug 1, 2011 at 05:21 AM.
No, absolutely no; you don't know what this clan is. We're no "upgrade", there is no "upgrade", there are simply groups you fit with and mess with.

Maybeh change the app to a quiz to be completed and sent to any member, or some listed members. Applicants who fail are not eligible for a poll, essentially not even considered. The rest are milled over, sniffed, chewed, tasted for ripeness, /then/ polled. Often we vote, then doubletake when the next time they open their mouth. Perhaps to even go so far as to give every passing grade their own thread for them to post freely - and us to interrogate throughly - for the purpose off getting to know them. Youcouldooo...

1. What is Pandora's Box?
2. Do you currently have an application being considered in another clan, either official or unofficial?
3. Are you currently an accepted member of either an official or unofficial clan?
4. What is the fruit?
5. Is Pandora as a whole more active in-game or on the forums?
Last edited by Acavado; Aug 2, 2011 at 07:36 PM.
I want back in please, I miss you

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