Originally Posted by Spart1cu3 View Post
wait wtf frost dragon is in ethereal, since when

Do you disapprove of this or something? Not trying to start a confrontation, just curious.
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
Originally Posted by Spart1cu3 View Post
No frost i just didnt know u joined

Oh, well poop. Can somebody inform me on whats currently going on right now?
So far I've heard about:
Clan War,
New Member with sudden promised promotion,
Plans of becoming official,
and spam, bam, thank you ma'am.
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
Originally Posted by Frost-Dragon View Post
Oh, well poop. Can somebody inform me on whats currently going on right now?
So far I've heard about:
Clan War,
New Member with sudden promised promotion,
Plans of becoming official,
and spam, bam, thank you ma'am.

well with gymbash the promotion is because avengd and gym are good friends, and he was being nice and giving gym the same rank as he had in pH since he finally convinced him to leave pH for ethr, also as far as the plans of becoming official goes as long as we cut the spam down to like maybe 10-20% than we should be alright since there is no stopping the spam completely, the war idk i just got back from a serious case of the itis and im not sure whats going on there, although i want to do some wars later tonight if anyone wants to join me let me know.
Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
@FH: I know, long time no see amirite?

yeah man, thats due to my computer crapping out and dying but the good thing is that i got a new one, and i haven't lost too much skill i still beat a7x 50% of the time :3
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
Hello guys I will be on later tonight I just wanted you to know my flight went well ;)

that's good to hear, so how long was the flight, i really hate flying just for the fact that its boring and the movies always suck
Last edited by fhphantom; Jun 29, 2012 at 04:39 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Words mean nothing, actions show the true meaning
lets see a 30 minute flight with a 1 hour layover and then a 1 hour flight
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Avengd i just made a 6 game win streak when u left.
In r second war gainst ele im doing better now
Like me Some drugs😍😍😉 jkjk fuck that(;
yay ele sux
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
For those of you who think SchVannia is really a girl... Here is a quote from the almighty sid!

damnit opti, again?

for those who do not know who optiumax is, he was originally a user called destinypower/realpro/jerica/the list goes on. He has a history of impersonating african american females, which has been proven in multiple occasions starting in 2009.

Unfortunately, I was about to go to sleep, so I won't bother dealing with this today. However, I've noticed that both optiumax and the chick use screensnapr to upload images, which is a rather unusual way to upload things, proving optiumax's relation to this image. As always, you can make us all shut up by simply posting a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper including the following: "Toribash Community", whatever day it is, and "sid's sex appeal goes through the roof"

For those of you that don't know, optiumax is noobie212, and claims to be living with/banging schvannia. Likely story...
I hate living in Texas -_-