I am afraid that we had an activity check and all those members who didn't post in activity check thread were kicked from bleu. Same goes for you. Re-apply to rejoin. Filling an app isn't hard at all.
Last edited by Hero; Aug 23, 2011 at 06:31 PM.
where I live:Scotland,the rest is classified
where do I want to improve:Well basicly, I suck at toribash
fave mods: twinswords4 and akido
why do I want to join:Because this is a teaching clan, and also it sounds awesome
improvement: aikido, judo
favourite mod: aikido
why im joining: i want to join a clan and become a better fighetr than i am now
Where do you live?(optional):United states,NJ
What belt are you?:Blue
Where do you want to improve?:Fighting
Favorite mods:Judo,aikido,twinswords,skateboard2stair.
Why do you want to join?:Because i feel i need to join this clan to improve my skills I stopped playing this game awhile ago so I need to improve because i didn't know then and i still don't know now so i feel i need to improve
Where Do You Live?: USA,New York City
What Belt Are You?: White Belt(Hope thats not a problem, is it?)
Where Do You Want To Improve?: Aikido,Wushu,Sambo,Running,Sparring,Judo
Favorite Mods: aikido,Judo
Why Do You Want To Join: I've seen on the forums that alot of beginners recommend this clan, so i wanna try it for myself.
Age: 14
Where do you live?: Portugal
What belt are you?: Brown
Where do you want to improve?: Fighting and making textures
Favorite mods: Wushu FTW
Why do you want to join?: Well, i wanted to join because i really like this type of community and i'm think you guys will help me Also, wanna learn new things
- Red : OMFG, RUN ! - Blue : What happend ?
- Red : C4 yourself ! c:
Originally Posted by wamosalamo View Post
where I live:Scotland,the rest is classified
where do I want to improve:Well basicly, I suck at toribash
fave mods: twinswords4 and akido
why do I want to join:Because this is a teaching clan, and also it sounds awesome

We are not awesome but we will try to help you as much as possible.


Originally Posted by ownedjkr View Post
improvement: aikido, judo
favourite mod: aikido
why im joining: i want to join a clan and become a better fighetr than i am now

App is poorly filled but accepted.

Originally Posted by woozydude View Post
Where do you live?(optional):United states,NJ
What belt are you?:Blue
Where do you want to improve?:Fighting
Favorite mods:Judo,aikido,twinswords,skateboard2stair.
Why do you want to join?:Because i feel i need to join this clan to improve my skills I stopped playing this game awhile ago so I need to improve because i didn't know then and i still don't know now so i feel i need to improve

Sure. We will try to "improve" you. Accepted.

Originally Posted by FluidM0nster View Post
Where Do You Live?: USA,New York City
What Belt Are You?: White Belt(Hope thats not a problem, is it?)
Where Do You Want To Improve?: Aikido,Wushu,Sambo,Running,Sparring,Judo
Favorite Mods: aikido,Judo
Why Do You Want To Join: I've seen on the forums that alot of beginners recommend this clan, so i wanna try it for myself.

White is not a problem at all since we deal with beginners from white belt to brown belt.


Originally Posted by Benavente View Post
Age: 14
Where do you live?: Portugal
What belt are you?: Brown
Where do you want to improve?: Fighting and making textures
Favorite mods: Wushu FTW
Why do you want to join?: Well, i wanted to join because i really like this type of community and i'm think you guys will help me Also, wanna learn new things

Accepted. since you are brown belt, you will have less time in bleu. Try to improve as much as possible in this time.

For all of you, if you only want the clan tag and want become cool guy with "[Bleu]" next to his name, then i say, don't bother with us. We are trying hard on our classes and other managements in clan only to help you guys out. Also, you need to be a bit active to get help from us.

Wait for Robber7275 to invite you to the clan.
Have fun!
Where do you live?(optional):indonesia
What belt are you?:Brown
Favorite mods:Akido,judo,wushu
Why do you want to join?:
Cuz iam no have clan nd i think this clan is good for me
Where do you live?(optional): philippines
What belt are you?:brown
Where do you want to improve?:Spars, freerunning
Favorite mods:juso, wushu, taekyyon, Martixlobby
Why do you want to join?: kareem kicked me. probably because I didn't post at the activity check due to my exams back then ^.^

SIDE NOTE: I dont think I'm ready for [CW] yet.