*double post*
Look at destiny bitching hahaha
(after kicking him in game from his server for calling me a mexican as an insult, then he de-op'd me in IRC and kicked me * You were kicked from #doc by destiny (SOMUCHFORTHAT MEXICAN), then I banned him from the channel)
* Now talking in #doc
* Topic is 'More like waffle house amirite?'
* Set by Galard on Fri May 07 12:44:01
* seekrit sets mode: +o Alan
<@Alan> hahaha
<@destiny> >:|
* Timer 1 activated
* Alan sets mode: +b *!*
Then on #toribash
<Alan> destiny:
* Ikua ( Quit (Ping timeout)
<destiny> i'm going to ban you n_n
<Alan> that's why I am not unbaning you!
<Alan> have fun destiny
<destiny> not in doc
<destiny> dooho
<destiny> idc
<destiny> i will get unbanned
<destiny> but in other channels n_n
<Alan> other channels = no glory
<destiny> hmm
<destiny> rutzfag
<destiny> e.g.
<Alan> other channels = faggot that doesn't know how to loose and takes it personal
<Alan> destiny^
<destiny> :V
<destiny> dude
<destiny> you started this
<destiny> mr mexican
<destiny> you kicked me
<Alan> mhm
<Alan> for racism
<destiny> from my server
<destiny> power abuse etc
<Alan> for racism
<destiny> yeah
<destiny> right
<destiny> racism
<Alan> I had a reason.
<destiny> >_>
* ARMIN0 (webchat@3E2CE468.22AE23BE.186BA01A.IP) has joined #toribash
<destiny> i called you a mexican
<destiny> thats like
<destiny> so racist
<Alan> mhm, that's an insult if you call me a shitfuck mexican
<destiny> wat
<destiny> shitfuck?
<Alan> or
<destiny> i never said that
<Alan> * You were kicked from #doc by destiny (SOMUCHFORTHAT MEXICAN)
<destiny> lol
<Alan> you clearly said mexican to insult me so
<destiny> so
<destiny> i said mexican
<rittu> nini
* rittu is now known as rittu|sleep
<Alan> or you just added mexican for the lulz?
<ARMIN0> anyone has Radioactive Relax?
<destiny> to address you
<destiny> thats all
<destiny> you're a mexican
<Gynx|L4D2> omg waycis
<Alan> ^
<destiny> and no number of saltbaths will ever rinse you of the mexican' ness
<Gynx|L4D2> hahaha
* Slko (slko@E66987A4.BC5FACCA.22C90918.IP) has joined #toribash
<Alan> mhm
<destiny> :3
<destiny> well
* MetalMario ( Quit (Ping timeout)
<Alan> that's why I kicked you from your own server and banned you from your clan channel destiny
<destiny> look at it like this
<destiny> at least
<destiny> well
<destiny> at least
<destiny> you're not russian
<destiny> look at it that way
<destiny> at least you're not some communist
<Alan> I don't see your point.
<destiny> well
<destiny> communists
<destiny> are evil
<destiny> also
<destiny> gtg
<Alan> So first insulting mexicans then russians?
<Slko> no, we aren't
* ARMIN0 (webchat@3E2CE468.22AE23BE.186BA01A.IP) Quit (Quit: Page closed)
* Slurpy_movie is now known as Slurpy
* shin ( has joined #toribash
<Alan> good job destiny
* destiny ( Quit (Quit: MEXICANO O O O)
after that
* Alan sets mode: -b *!*
I am pretty sure he is going to ban me when he gets in, so yeah.

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Originally Posted by Alan View Post
What took you 2 fucking years

His fat lips ;x
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