

Last edited by Lane; Aug 24, 2015 at 02:21 AM.
They did it. My boiz Zion and Pentalift.

3-0 sweepstakes #FREESM
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays

One of my Twisted Fate games, I usually have no clue how to lane with him because I get shit on all the time by assassins but I watched some vids and this is the result. It was a 4v5 too, so it was pretty neat that we won too.
Last edited by Holotor; Aug 25, 2015 at 06:13 AM.
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
Anyone who actually knows how to play blitzcrank can prove him wrong on his opinion. Every support is reliant on adc followup, you cannot use teammate followup as arguments for support viability. If that were the case, every support is horrible is your adc doesn't follow up, aside from passive supports who don't excel at engaging (janna comes to mind).

Nope. Different supports have different damage outputs and trading potential. For instance, Sona can poke all day and keep the enemy duolane down, as well as sustain back any damage traded onto her and her adc. Her damage potential makes it possible to aggressively zone low range adcs and melee supports from cs. Nautilus excels at this as well, provided you play it right. His shield(which unlike blitzcrank's is an active ability) can mitigate any attempt at trading by the opponent. There are plenty of supports with significant lane pressure on their own. It's why excellent support players can dominate a lane just by being there.

Blitzcrank not only applies incredible zoning potential. Sitting in a bush waiting to land a hook is one of the worst ways you can play blitzcrank. Let your adc farm in peace, distract your opponent from farming by making them focus on dodging your hook, and give your adc the advantage he needs. Lane pressure isn't only damaging and poking until they back away.

Blitz's zoning potential is entirely dependent on two things:
A. Landing your hook.
B. A very passive opponent
If your opponent has poke, you will be unable to sustain damage, and are effectively zoning yourself by existing. If the enemy has greater all-in potential(say you're up against a zyra/draven and you hook the draven), the only damage going to be put down on the draven is your Q + E damage, and about 2 autoattacks from your adc, at least half of which is entirely negated by heal. Zyra on the other hand can eat your adc alive for breakfast, and draven will too once the very brief cc expires. I'm not saying zyra is a good support now, but it's an example of why blitz fails in lane. On the other hand, you have nautilus who can not only lock the adc down with his snare, but also do a lot of damage and even prevent return damage with his shield and aoe slow. Nautilus is simply better at exerting pressure than blitzcrank.

No amount of distraction will matter if your opponent is a decent farmer, because let's face it, pressuring a bronze 5 player to dodge blitz's hooks wouldn't matter because they'd miss every single creep anyways, so that factor amounts to nothing. Also you're entirely ignoring the fact that there's also a support in the lane, who can likely poop all over you the second you throw out your hook.

But that's not what blitzcrank is only good at. He can bring so much pressure in mid to late game. Sure he doesn't bring the best abilities for teamfights, but he's not actually meant to teamfight that well. His job is speeding around in front of the enemy team and picking one of them off for your team to destroy. He's made to start a teamfight with the enemy team missing a teammate. Here zoning applies too, you can bet that they will be staring at you waiting for you to hook so they can dodge it, so keep the pressure up, and when you see them straying from their focus to defend a tower or to hit your tower, pull the weakest one you can get your hands on and voila, that's an enemy team member dead (considering your team follows up, which you can't argue that they might not, since this is the late game and they sure as hell want that mid laner/adc/whoever isn't that tanky dead).

A. Banshee's veil
B. Blitz only relies on his hook, especially if he isn't ahead. If he's ahead, he can W in and knock someone up/hook them, but that's assuming they're horribly out of position. If you aren't ahead and you grab that 10/0 riven into your team, chances are you just gave her a few kills.
C. Nautilus shines in these teamfights even more so than laning. The amount of disruption and cc he brings can win a teamfight. Nothing blitzcrank can do will win a teamfight, unless he lands a godly hook on a carry who's building nothing in the way of defense. Blitz only really has 2 skills. His ult is okay for burst, but once anyone gets any mr at all it's worthless.

If you can't figure out how to do those things, you are the one who isn't playing him how he should be played, not him being bad.

Well, to be fair, if a bad player is playing any champion they'll do bad. That doesn't mean that blitzcrank is good however.

Only good point Hyde actually made about the matter is that at lower elo, blitzcrank is indeed not the best choice, not only because of team reliability, but also you not being to utilize him to his full potential. Unless you know, you practice him a bunch,

Blitzcrank's full potential is significantly lower than nautilus, and many other supports. He's mediocre at best. I'm not saying he can't work and isn't viable, but he is severely lacking in many departments.

Seriously I could've gone on and on if it weren't for this godforsaken exam I'm studying for. I'll bet oracle will be ready to inflict a massive post filled with joyful beep boopiness upon us any time soon.

I can go on and on about why blitzcrank is inferior to most supports as well.
Well seems like Yi got another skin, legendary at that. Would've preferred riot made zed's skin legendary. Oh well, at least zed has the best recall out of all the project skins. Also Lucian finally got something decent.

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Project yi is legendary? It aint even dat gud. I mean, its better then his 50 croma pack skins....
Missed school by 2 hours because horrible body clock...

I guess I'm playing League!
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by HawkeyeTFA View Post
Project Zed is better than Project Yi.

That it is, but a complete voice over for zed would've been pretty good, apart from the "project" voice morph.

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Saw them pick Yasuo...

My inner troll started to trigger...

Surprise Buttsex

"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays